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performed using minimal resources while the database is up and running and recoveries need to be performed within a time limit predefined by Service Level Agreements (sla) that are developed to meet customers' requirements. A complete backup and recovery implementation should include local recovery and remote recovery that is also referred to as disaster recovery planning (drp). You will see more on backup and recovery later in Chapter 5.
This is an area that has become very sensitive due to the number of users that can access our databases and the amount of external, web-based access. Database users need to be authenticated so that we know with certainty who is accessing our database. They must then be given authorization to use the resources that they need to do their job by granting access to the objects in Oracle. This can be managed with Oracle Enterprise Manager, and we will show examples of this later in this chapter. External users require extra web-based security that is beyond the scope of this book.
Performance and tuning is arguably the most exciting area of database management. Changes here are noticed almost immediately and every experienced DBA has stories about small changes they've made that resulted in large performance gains. On the other hand, every performance glitch in the environment will be blamed on the database and you will need to learn how to deal with this. Statspack, OEM Performance Management, and third-party tools will assist you in this area. There is a lot to learn here, but the proper tools will simplify this considerably.
We need to manage all schema objects such as tables, indexes, views, synonyms, sequences, clusters, and source types such as packages, procedures, functions, and triggers to ensure they are valid and organized in a fashion that will deliver adequate performance and have adequate space. The space requirements of schema objects are directly related to tablespaces and datafiles that are growing at incredible rates. Using OEM, this can be simplified, something we will see examples of later in this chapter.
Databases are growing at incredible rates. We need to carefully manage space and pay particular attention to the space used by datafiles and archive logs. Online utilities are supported to help reorg objects while they remain online. Reorgs use considerable resources, however, so do not perform these operations unless it is necessary. See the section ''Managing Space" for more on this.
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