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In the results, we can see that counts and sums of amount_sold are returned at the following levels:
Subtotals by CHANNEL_CLASS within GENDER
Subtotals by GENDER
Grand total
The cube extension takes rollup a step further by generating subtotals for each combination of the group by attributes, totals by attribute, and the grand total. The following is an example of the cube extension, using the same query we used for rollup:
select c.cust_gender gender, b.channel_class channel_class, to_char(a.time_id, 'yyyy-mm') month, count(*) unit_count, sum(a.amount_sold) amount_sold from sales a, channels b, customers c where a.channel_id = b.channel_id and a.cust_id = c.cust_id and to_char(a.time_id, 'yyyy-mm') between '2001-01' and '2001-02' group by cube(c.cust_gender, b.channel_class, to_char(a.time_id, 'yyyy-mm')); GENDER CHANNEL_CLASS MONTH UNIT_COUNT AMOUNT_SOLD ------ -------------------- ------- ---------- ----------- 39924 4216833.67 2001-01 20739 2113709.13 2001-02 19185 2103124.54 Direct 20427 2113199.92 Direct 2001-01 11039 1106147.18 Direct 2001-02 9388 1007052.74 Others 12603 1278645.06 Others 2001-01 6796 657218.93 Others 2001-02 5807 621426.13 Indirect 6894 824988.69 Indirect 2001-01 2904 350343.02 Indirect 2001-02 3990 474645.67 F 14274 1552931.54 F 2001-01 7540 768012.01 F 2001-02 6734 784919.53 F Direct 7209 752861.03 F Direct 2001-01 4001 387000.9
Team Fly |