Team Fly 

Page 356

and   s.channel_id = c.channel_id
and   s.time_id = t.time_id
and   c.channel_desc = 'Direct Sales'
group by c.channel_desc, p.prod_category, t.calendar_year
order by c.channel_desc, p.prod_category, t.calendar_year;

---------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------
Direct Sales     Electronics                      1998          7758
Direct Sales     Electronics                      1999         15007
Direct Sales     Hardware                         2000          1970
Direct Sales     Hardware                         2001          2399
Direct Sales     Peripherals and Accessories      1998         44258
Direct Sales     Software/Other                   2000         64483
Direct Sales     Software/Other                   2001         49146

In the results, we see the historical aggregate quantity_sold for each year by product category for the 'Direct Sales' channel. We can use the model clause to project the quantity_sold. In the following listing, we will project values for 2002 for the product category Hardware in the channel. The quantity_sold will be based on the previous year's value (2001), plus 10 percent. Table 9-18 explains the syntax of the listing.

 1 select channel_desc, prod_category, year, quantity_sold
 2 from
 3 (select c.channel_desc, p.prod_category, t.calendar_year year,
 4         sum(s.quantity_sold) quantity_sold
 5  from sales s, products p, channels c, times t
 6  where s.prod_id = p.prod_id
 7  and   s.channel_id = c.channel_id
 8  and   s.time_id = t.time_id
 9  group by c.channel_desc, p.prod_category, t.calendar_year) sales
10  where channel_desc = 'Direct Sales'
11  model
12     partition by (channel_desc)
13     dimension by (prod_category, year)
14     measures (quantity_sold)
15     rules (quantity_sold['Hardware', 2002]
16                = quantity_sold['Hardware', 2001] * 1.10)
17  order by channel_desc, prod_category, year;
Team Fly