Team Fly 

Page 380

11. __________ partitioning allows you to control the placement of records in specified partitions based on sets of partition key values.

List partitioning allows you to control the placement of records in specified partitions based on sets of partition key values.

12. What analytic function would you use to assign each row from a query to one of five buckets?

ntile is used to assign each row from a query to one of five buckets.

13. What are the database components involved in grid computing?

RAC, ASM, and OEM are the database components involved in grid computing.

14. What are the two types of windows that can be used in analytic functions?

Physical and logical windows are the two types of windows that can be used in analytic functions.

15. The __________ automatically collects workload and performance statistics used for database self-management activities.

The Automatic Workload Repository automatically collects workload and performance statistics used for database self-management activities.

16. When creating partitioned tables, what option should you use to ensure that rows are redistributed to their correct partition if their partition key is updated?

Use enable row movement in the create table or alter table statements to ensure that rows are redistributed to their correct partition if their partition key is updated.

Team Fly