8.7 Updating a Package
When you update (upgrade) a package,
RPM installs the new version of the software but attempts to leave
your existing configuration files intact. You can update a package by
using the -U option of the rpm command:
rpm -Uvh package
When you update a package, RPM automatically uninstalls the old
version of the package before installing the new one.
If no old version of the specified package exists, RPM simply
installs the new version. Therefore, you can use the -U option to install or update a package; many
Linux users avoid the -i (install)
option, always using the -U option
instead. However, you should not use the -U option when installing a package containing
an updated Linux kernel.
If RPM determines that your existing configuration files may be
incompatible with those of the new version of the package, RPM will
save a copy of the existing files. In that case, you need to examine
the old and new files and determine what the proper configuration
should be. The documentation that accompanies the package should
assist you in this process.
If you attempt to update an existing
package using an older version of the package, RPM will report an
error and terminate without performing the update. To force RPM to
perform the update, use the -- oldpackage option:
rpm -Uvh --oldpackage package