6.4 Securing the Sensor Itself
It should be obvious
that protecting the integrity of the systems responsible for
monitoring and maintaining the security of your network is very
important. You need to protect the integrity not just of your NIDS
systems but of your syslog servers, authentication servers,
monitoring, and management tools. One strategy that I employ is a
management network. This network is behind its own
firewall and access to the systems contained within the management
network is closely controlled. The systems inside do not even
participate in the same authentication domains as the systems on the
inside of the network. The only openings in the firewall are those
that are needed to get monitoring traffic to the systems that watch
the environment.
Closely managing the Snort systems is important. The operating
systems should be configured according to industry-accepted best
practices and should be kept up-to-date with patches and updates.
After all, a compromised IDS sensor would have access to all the
traffic to and from your most sensitive systems—a dangerous
situation, to say the least.
6.4.1 Choose an Operating System
I squirm uncomfortably when people ask
me what operating system they should use for a particular function. I
carefully try to avoid discussions about religion, politics, and
operating systems—all for the same reason.
They're too controversial. However, I will briefly
put on my consultant hat and walk you through the process of deciding
which operating system to use for your Snort sensor.
I started my Information Technology career doing Microsoft phone tech
support for the launch of Windows 95. My background in modems and
networking (Commodore 64, 300 baud modem at the beginning of things)
quickly got me into a mentor role. My MCSE certification was first in
NT 3.51. I consider myself a Windows expert. That said, about five
years ago I discovered Linux and BSD. I liked the fact that I could
strip the system down to just the services I wanted. It made
administration much easier (and the side effect was better general
security). I hated the fact that my Windows servers needed to be
rebooted all the time to keep them running. Linux had outstanding
Now, if I build a system, it's a Linux box (RedHat
or Suse are nice) more often than not. My desk at work has three
systems: a Windows XP laptop, a Suse Laptop, and a FreeBSD server. At
home I have a Debian server (my mail server), a Suse linux server
(test box), a FreeBSD server (Web Server), and a Windows gaming
system. I spend about 60% of my time in a Unix-based environment of
some sort. If I am going to build a server, it will be either Debian
or FreeBSD, since I can build a minimum configuration and keep it up
to date very easily. (I really like FreeBSD, but my company has
standardized on Redhat as a Linux server OS). The recent changes in
Suse are pretty exciting, too.
I share this information to give you a frame of reference for my
approach to choosing an appropriate operating system. There are
several things to consider; supportability, performance, stability,
and security are at the top of the list:
- Supportability
Very often, the decision of which operating system to use is based on
what you know how to run. Choose an operating system that you know
how to configure and maintain effectively. If you know Windows well
and little or nothing about Linux, use Windows! I'm
speaking about a Snort system that will be relied on to secure a
network. If you are just playing or testing, installing and
configuring Linux or FreeBSD Snort sensor might be a nice way to
learn a new OS. Most of the web resources dedicated to running Snort
lean towards a Linux-based installation. It is arguably easier to
"strip down" a Linux or BSD
system—Windows installs a lot of things you just
don't need.
- Performance
It is generally accepted (and I'm opening a real can
of worms here) that the network stack on Linux and BSD is faster than
the Windows network stack. In my experience, it seems that a Linux
sensor can watch higher bandwidth levels than Windows using a given
configuration. This makes sense when you consider that Snort (and the
underlying infrastructure of libpcap) is written for a Unix-based
operating system.
- Stability
It used to be an easy argument that Linux and BSD were much more
stable than Windows. That really isn't as true
anymore for a well configured and patched Windows system. I would
still argue that a competently administered Unix-based operating
system has better uptime compared to Windows (email me with your
arguments). When considering stability, you may find yourself going
back to the supportability issues.
- Security
I can lock down and secure a Windows system as well as I can lock
down a Linux or FreeBSD system. The problem is, it has been much
(much!) more work to keep a Windows system secure over time. The
number of patches released for Windows services has been nearly
overwhelming. There have certainly been patches for other operating
systems and Unix-based services. However, there have been fewer in
general, and since Unix-based operating systems tend to run fewer
services, there is a smaller chance that you will be affected by a
particular vulnerability. For security-related tasks, I tend to
migrate to Linux or BSD over Windows.
6.4.2 Configure Interfaces
Along with the creation of a controlled
management network, there are more steps to be taken to protect the
integrity of your security systems.. Snort sensors should be
configured with at least a pair of interfaces. One of these
interfaces will be on the management network; all alerting and
management traffic will use this interface, keeping it away from
prying eyes. Snort will use the other interface as a monitoring
point. This interface will not be configured with an IP address, so
it will be invisible to hosts on that network. This is commonly
referred to as a stealth
interface. Keeping the listening interface
invisible to the other systems on the network makes keeping the
sensor secure much easier.
We discussed using SPAN ports in a switched network to allow the
monitoring of switched ports. SPAN ports can actually help hide your
Snort sensors, since they can be configured to only transmit traffic
from monitored ports and not listen to interfaces plugged into them.
6.4.3 Disable Unnecessary Services
If a service is not needed for the business
function of a server, it should not be installed or enabled. The
fewer services running on a system, the fewer potential issues need
to be secured and kept up-to-date. This is an essential step to
making a system secure.
6.4.4 Apply Patches and Updates
days, there are always
updates and patches that need to be applied to the operating system
and services—especially on a freshly installed system. This is
true no matter what operating system you use. As time goes by, it is
important that administrators keep abreast of newly discovered
vulnerabilities in their operating system and services. If possible,
establish a maintenance window for when updates will be made to your
systems. This will allow you to establish a change
routine—notify necessary people that the system will be
unavailable, test the updates on a test system, and establish a
back-out plan so that if the change blows up, you can go back to the
initial system state.
6.4.5 Utilize Robust Authentication
Where possible, use stronger
than just a simple username and password. The weaknesses inherent in
passwords are well-documented. Passwords can be attacked through
dictionary attacks or simple brute-force. If you do need to use
passwords, utilize mechanisms (varies from operating system to
operating system) that enforce passwords of a certain length and
complexity. Force the users to pick different passwords by
remembering the last few they've used. Force the
passwords to be changed periodically (every 60 days or so). Most
importantly, configure the authentication mechanism to lock out the
account after a certain number of consecutive failed password guesses
(I prefer locking the account after five failed guesses).
If you can, employ a stronger mechanism for authenticating users
(it's not possible in most environments).
Smart cards (and
PKI), one-time password
generators, or biometric mechanisms are excellent choices.
I do have some reservations about
biometric authentication. While
very convenient and certainly better than passwords, this method has
one serious flaw. When someone loses their smart card or one-time
password-generating device, the old one is marked as revoked in the
authentication system and a new card or mechanism is issued. If
someone intercepts or finds a way to decipher the digital
representation of a biometric authentication, how can I revoke a
thumb or a retina?
6.4.6 Monitor System Logs
It is very
important that the system is
configured to generate logs and that those logs are reviewed
regularly for signs of system, hardware, or configuration problems
(including signs of intrusion). Auditing authentication, system
function, and hardware operation is a good place to start. If
possible, send the logs to a central syslog server (hopefully located
on your controlled management network). This makes it much easier to
review the logs and establish some correlation of events across
multiple systems and networks.