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Solaris™ Operating Environment System Administrator's Guide, Fourth Edition
By Janice Winsor
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date: May 23, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101401-3
Pages: 528

The definitive, quick-answer resource for every Solaris 9 sysadmin.

Fully updated! Covers Solaris 9 new Flash Install and Live Upgrade installation features, Secure Shell network commands, and much more

Solaris Operating Environment System Administrator's Guide, Fourth Edition is the definitive quick-start tutorial for every new Solaris system administrator—and the ideal fast-access reference for every Solaris administrator, regardless of experience. Fully updated to reflect Solaris 9's newest features and management tools, it covers day-to-day administration tools and demonstrates how to maximize efficiency, reliability, and availability in any Solaris environment.

Coverage includes all this, and much more—

From startup to backup, security to printing, this book delivers clearly written, accessible information you'll use today—and every day.

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