Study Strategies
The following strategies will help you prepare for the test:
As you study this chapter, be prepared to state the purpose of a name service and the type of information it manages. You'll need at least two networked Solaris systems to practice the examples and step-by-step exercises. We highly recommend that you practice the tasks until you can perform them from memory. NIS is covered in-depth as the main naming service, although you will have to know how to configure LDAP and DNS clients. See if you can make use of an existing LDAP or DNS server to practice client commands. The exam focuses mainly on NIS with only a few questions on the other name services. Be sure that you understand how to configure NIS master servers, slave servers, and clients. You'll need to understand entries in the NIS name service switch file. Be prepared to describe the characteristics of each naming service, compare their functionality, and identify the correct name service switch file associated with a naming service. Finally, study the terms provided at the end of this chapter in the "Key Terms" section. Also, be sure you can describe each command we've covered in this chapter, specifically the ones we've used as examples. On the exam you will be asked to match a command or term with the appropriate description.