- Gbyte (Gigabyte)
1,024 Mbytes (or 1,073,741,824 bytes).
- Group ID (GID)
The primary group number for the group to which the user will belong. This is the group the operating system will assign to files created by the user. GIDs can typically range from 0 to 60,002, but they can go as high as 2,147,483,647.
- Group
Used to control user access to files and directories. Users who need to share files are placed into the same group. A group can be 1) A collection of users who are referred to by a common name. 2) In NIS+, a collection of users who are collectively given specified access rights to NIS+ objects. NIS+ group information is stored in the NIS+ group table. 3) In Unix, groups determine a user's access to files. There are two types of groups: default user group and standard user group.