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Chapter 24. The javax.naming.spi Package

The javax.naming.spi package defines the service provider interface (SPI) for JNDI. Only system programmers who are developing JNDI providers need to use this package; JNDI application programmers can ignore it. The classes and interfaces in this package allow JNDI service providers to be plugged in underneath the JNDI API. Figure 24-1 shows the hierarchy of this package.


Figure 24-1. The javax.naming.spi package

DirectoryManagerJNDI 1.1

DirectoryManager is a subclass of NamingManager that contains a method for creating objects.

public class DirectoryManager extends NamingManager {
// No Constructor
// Public Class Methods
public static getContinuationDirContext (CannotProceedException cpe) throws NamingException;

Hierarchy: Object-->NamingManager-->DirectoryManager

InitialContextFactoryJNDI 1.1

This interface represents a factory that creates an initial context for a naming or directory service. The initial context serves as the entry point into the service. A JNDI service provider always includes an InitialContextFactory that can be used as the value of the java.naming.factory.initial property

public abstract interface InitialContextFactory {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract javax.naming.Context getInitialContext (java.util.Hashtable environment) throws NamingException;

Returned By: InitialContextFactoryBuilder.createInitialContextFactory()

InitialContextFactoryBuilderJNDI 1.1

This interface represents a builder that creates initial context factories. A program can override the default initial context factory builder by calling NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder() and specifying a new builder. Such a builder must implement this interface.

public abstract interface InitialContextFactoryBuilder {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract InitialContextFactory createInitialContextFactory (java.util.Hashtable environment) throws NamingException;

Passed To: NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder()

NamingManagerJNDI 1.1

The NamingManager class contains methods for creating javax.naming.Context objects and otherwise controlling the operation of the underlying service provider.

public class NamingManager {
// No Constructor
// Public Class Methods
public static javax.naming.Context getContinuationContext (CannotProceedException cpe) throws NamingException;
public static javax.naming.Context getInitialContext (java.util.Hashtable environment) throws NamingException;
public static Object getObjectInstance (Object refInfo, Name name, javax.naming.Context nameCtx, java.util.Hashtable environment) throws Exception;
public static javax.naming.Context getURLContext (String scheme, java.util.Hashtable environment) throws NamingException;
public static boolean hasInitialContextFactoryBuilder (); synchronized
public static void setInitialContextFactoryBuilder (InitialContextFactoryBuilder builder) throws NamingException; synchronized
public static void setObjectFactoryBuilder (ObjectFactoryBuilder builder) throws NamingException; synchronized

Subclasses: DirectoryManager

ObjectFactoryJNDI 1.1

This interface represents a factory for creating objects. JNDI supports the dynamic loading of object implementations with object factories. For example, say you have a naming system that binds file objects to names in the namespace. If the filesystem service provider binds filenames to Reference objects, a Reference object can create a file object through an object factory. This means that a call to lookup() a filename (in the appropriate Context) returns an actual file object the programmer can manipulate as necessary. An ObjectFactory is responsible for creating objects of a specific type.

public abstract interface ObjectFactory {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract Object getObjectInstance (Object obj, Name name, javax.naming.Context nameCtx, java.util.Hashtable environment) throws Exception;

Returned By: ObjectFactoryBuilder.createObjectFactory()

ObjectFactoryBuilderJNDI 1.1

This interface represents a builder that creates object factories. A program can override the default object factory builder by calling NamingManager.setObjectFactoryBuilder() and specifying a new builder. Such a builder must implement this interface.

public abstract interface ObjectFactoryBuilder {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract ObjectFactory createObjectFactory (Object obj, java.util.Hashtable info) throws NamingException;

Passed To: NamingManager.setObjectFactoryBuilder()

ResolverJNDI 1.1

The Resolver interface contains methods that are implemented by objects that can act as intermediate contexts for naming resolution purposes.

public abstract interface Resolver {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract ResolveResult resolveToClass (Name name, Class contextType) throws NamingException;
public abstract ResolveResult resolveToClass (String name, Class contextType) throws NamingException;
ResolveResultJNDI 1.1

This class represents the result of resolving a name.

public class ResolveResult {
// Public Constructors
public ResolveResult (Object robj, Name rname);
public ResolveResult (Object robj, String rcomp);
// Protected Constructors
protected ResolveResult ();
// Public Instance Methods
public void appendRemainingComponent (String name);
public void appendRemainingName (Name name);
public Name getRemainingName ();
public Object getResolvedObj ();
public void setRemainingName (Name name);
public void setResolvedObj (Object obj);
// Protected Instance Fields
protected Name remainingName ;
protected Object resolvedObj ;

Returned By: Resolver.resolveToClass()

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