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Chapter 29. The javax.swing.table Package

The javax.swing.table package contains classes and interfaces that are used with the powerful JTable component of the javax.swing package. TableModel is the central interface in this package; it provides access to the data to be displayed in the table. TableColumn represents the attributes of a column in the table. TableColumnModel represents a set of columns in the table. JTableHeader is a component that displays the resizable and draggable column headers of a table. The TableCellRenderer interface defines how individual cells are drawn using a GUI component as a template. Figure 29-1 shows the class hierarchy of this package. See Chapter 3, "Swing Programming Topics", for a discussion of and example using JTable and the javax.swing.table package.


Figure 29-1. The javax.swing.table package

AbstractTableModelJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable model

This abstract class is a convenient partial implementation of the TableModel interface. An application that needs a noneditable TableModel needs only to provide implementations for the abstract methods getColumnCount(), getRowCount(), and getValueAt(). An application that wants to allow the table data to be edited must additionally override the default implementations of isCellEditable() and setValueAt(). AbstractTableModel provides default implementations of the event listener registration methods. Additionally, it defines a number of methods for sending various types of TableModelEvent objects to the registered TableModelListener objects. This is useful because of the fairly complex way that TableModelEvent is used to describe different types of changes to the table data. If the data underlying the table model ever changes, the application can call one of these methods to notify the JTable, and any other interested listeners, of the change.

public abstract class AbstractTableModel implements Serializable, TableModel {
// Public Constructors
public AbstractTableModel ();
// Event Registration Methods (by event name)
public void addTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l); Implements:TableModel
public void removeTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l); Implements:TableModel
// Public Instance Methods
public int findColumn (String columnName);
public void fireTableCellUpdated (int row, int column);
public void fireTableChanged (javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent e);
public void fireTableDataChanged ();
public void fireTableRowsDeleted (int firstRow, int lastRow);
public void fireTableRowsInserted (int firstRow, int lastRow);
public void fireTableRowsUpdated (int firstRow, int lastRow);
public void fireTableStructureChanged ();
// Methods Implementing TableModel
public void addTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l);
public Class getColumnClass (int columnIndex);
public abstract int getColumnCount ();
public String getColumnName (int column);
public abstract int getRowCount ();
public abstract Object getValueAt (int rowIndex, int columnIndex);
public boolean isCellEditable (int rowIndex, int columnIndex); constant
public void removeTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l);
public void setValueAt (Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex); empty
// Protected Instance Fields
protected javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList ;

Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractTableModel(Serializable,TableModel)

Subclasses: DefaultTableModel

DefaultTableCellRendererJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable accessible swing component

This class is a simple implementation of the TableCellRenderer interface. It uses a JLabel to display the textual value (determined by calling the toString() method) of any object. DefaultTableCellRenderer takes care to use the colors and fonts of the JTable, so that it interfaces seamlessly with the table.

public class DefaultTableCellRenderer extends JLabel implements Serializable, TableCellRenderer {
// Public Constructors
public DefaultTableCellRenderer ();
// Inner Classes
// Methods Implementing TableCellRenderer
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column);
// Public Methods Overriding JLabel
public void updateUI ();
// Public Methods Overriding JComponent
public void setBackground (java.awt.Color c);
public void setForeground (java.awt.Color c);
// Protected Instance Methods
protected void setValue (Object value);
// Protected Class Fields
protected static javax.swing.border.Border noFocusBorder ;

Hierarchy: Object-->Component(java.awt.image.ImageObserver,java.awt.MenuContainer,Serializable)-->Container-->JComponent(Serializable)-->JLabel(Accessible,SwingConstants)-->DefaultTableCellRenderer(Serializable,TableCellRenderer)

Subclasses: DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource

DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResourceJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable accessible swing component

This class is a trivial subclass of DefaultTableCellRenderer that exists only to implement the javax.swing.plaf.UIResource marker interface.

public static class DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource extends DefaultTableCellRenderer implements javax.swing.plaf.UIResource {
// Public Constructors
public UIResource ();
DefaultTableColumnModelJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable model

This class implements the TableColumnModel and keeps track of the number, order, size, and selection state of the columns in a JTable component. The JTable uses this class by default; few applications have any reason to use anything else.

public class DefaultTableColumnModel implements javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, Serializable, TableColumnModel {
// Public Constructors
public DefaultTableColumnModel ();
// Methods Implementing ListSelectionListener
public void valueChanged (javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent e);
// Methods Implementing PropertyChangeListener
public void propertyChange (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt);
// Methods Implementing TableColumnModel
public void addColumn (TableColumn aColumn);
public void addColumnModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener x);
public TableColumn getColumn (int columnIndex);
public int getColumnCount (); default:0
public int getColumnIndex (Object identifier);
public int getColumnIndexAtX (int xPosition);
public int getColumnMargin (); default:1
public java.util.Enumeration getColumns ();
public boolean getColumnSelectionAllowed (); default:false
public int getSelectedColumnCount (); default:0
public int[ ] getSelectedColumns ();
public ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel (); default:DefaultListSelectionModel
public int getTotalColumnWidth (); default:0
public void moveColumn (int columnIndex, int newIndex);
public void removeColumn (TableColumn column);
public void removeColumnModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener x);
public void setColumnMargin (int newMargin);
public void setColumnSelectionAllowed (boolean flag);
public void setSelectionModel (ListSelectionModel newModel);
// Protected Instance Methods
protected ListSelectionModel createSelectionModel ();
protected void fireColumnAdded (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
protected void fireColumnMarginChanged ();
protected void fireColumnMoved (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
protected void fireColumnRemoved (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
protected void fireColumnSelectionChanged (javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent e);
protected void recalcWidthCache ();
// Protected Instance Fields
protected transient javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent changeEvent ;
protected int columnMargin ;
protected boolean columnSelectionAllowed ;
protected javax.swing.event.EventListenerList listenerList ;
protected ListSelectionModel selectionModel ;
protected java.util.Vector tableColumns ;
protected int totalColumnWidth ;

Hierarchy: Object-->DefaultTableColumnModel(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener(java.util.EventListener),java.beans.PropertyChangeListener(java.util.EventListener),Serializable,TableColumnModel)

DefaultTableModelJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable model

This class is a relatively simple implementation of TableModel that works with table data that is expressed either as an array of rows, where each row is an array of objects, or as a vector of rows, where each row is a vector of objects. In addition to the table cell data, DefaultTableModel also allows you to specify the column header values in an array or vector. DefaultTableModel is the only concrete TableModel implementation in Swing. Several of the JTable constructors initialize and use a DefaultTableModel object as the component's model. In addition to its TableModel methods, DefaultTableModel also defines methods for changing the table data, adding and removing columns, and so on.

public class DefaultTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements Serializable {
// Public Constructors
public DefaultTableModel ();
public DefaultTableModel (Object[ ] columnNames, int numRows);
public DefaultTableModel (java.util.Vector data, java.util.Vector columnNames);
public DefaultTableModel (Object[ ][ ] data, Object[ ] columnNames);
public DefaultTableModel (int numRows, int numColumns);
public DefaultTableModel (java.util.Vector columnNames, int numRows);
// Protected Class Methods
protected static java.util.Vector convertToVector (Object[ ][ ] anArray);
protected static java.util.Vector convertToVector (Object[ ] anArray);
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public int getColumnCount (); Overrides:AbstractTableModel default:0
public java.util.Vector getDataVector ();
public int getRowCount (); Overrides:AbstractTableModel default:0
// Public Instance Methods
public void addColumn (Object columnName);
public void addColumn (Object columnName, java.util.Vector columnData);
public void addColumn (Object columnName, Object[ ] columnData);
public void addRow (Object[ ] rowData);
public void addRow (java.util.Vector rowData);
public void insertRow (int row, Object[ ] rowData);
public void insertRow (int row, java.util.Vector rowData);
public void moveRow (int startIndex, int endIndex, int toIndex);
public void newDataAvailable (javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent event);
public void newRowsAdded (javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent event);
public void removeRow (int row);
public void rowsRemoved (javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent event);
public void setColumnIdentifiers (Object[ ] newIdentifiers);
public void setColumnIdentifiers (java.util.Vector newIdentifiers);
public void setDataVector (Object[ ][ ] newData, Object[ ] columnNames);
public void setDataVector (java.util.Vector newData, java.util.Vector columnNames);
public void setNumRows (int newSize);
// Public Methods Overriding AbstractTableModel
public String getColumnName (int column);
public Object getValueAt (int row, int column);
public boolean isCellEditable (int row, int column); constant
public void setValueAt (Object aValue, int row, int column);
// Protected Instance Fields
protected java.util.Vector columnIdentifiers ;
protected java.util.Vector dataVector ;

Hierarchy: Object-->AbstractTableModel(Serializable,TableModel)-->DefaultTableModel(Serializable)

JTableHeaderJava 1.2
javax.swing.tableserializable accessible swing component

This class is a Swing component that displays the header of a JTable. This header component displays the name of each column and, optionally, allows the user to resize and reorder the columns by dragging them. JTableHeader uses the TableColumnModel of its JTable to obtain information about the column headers it must display.

A JTable component automatically creates a suitable JTableHeader component; an application should not have to create one of its own. Nevertheless, JTableHeader does define some interesting methods that applications may want to use. Obtain the JTableHeader of a JTable with the getTableHeader() method of JTable. Once you have the JTableHeader object, use its resizingAllowed and reorderingAllowed properties to specify how the user is allowed to manipulate the columns. Also, set the updateTableInRealTime property to specify if the entire JTable should be updated as the user drags a column or if the update should be postponed until the user completes the drag.

public class JTableHeader extends JComponent implements Accessible, javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener {
// Public Constructors
public JTableHeader ();
public JTableHeader (TableColumnModel cm);
// Inner Classes
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext (); Implements:Accessible default:AccessibleJTableHeader
public TableColumnModel getColumnModel (); default:DefaultTableColumnModel
public void setColumnModel (TableColumnModel newModel);
public TableColumn getDraggedColumn (); default:null
public void setDraggedColumn (TableColumn aColumn);
public int getDraggedDistance (); default:0
public void setDraggedDistance (int distance);
public boolean getReorderingAllowed (); default:true
public void setReorderingAllowed (boolean b);
public boolean getResizingAllowed (); default:true
public void setResizingAllowed (boolean b);
public TableColumn getResizingColumn (); default:null
public void setResizingColumn (TableColumn aColumn);
public JTable getTable (); default:null
public void setTable (JTable aTable);
public javax.swing.plaf.TableHeaderUI getUI ();
public void setUI (javax.swing.plaf.TableHeaderUI ui);
public String getUIClassID (); Overrides:JComponent default:"TableHeaderUI"
public boolean getUpdateTableInRealTime (); default:true
public void setUpdateTableInRealTime (boolean flag);
// Public Instance Methods
public int columnAtPoint (java.awt.Point point);
public java.awt.Rectangle getHeaderRect (int columnIndex);
public void resizeAndRepaint ();
// Methods Implementing Accessible
public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext (); default:AccessibleJTableHeader
// Methods Implementing TableColumnModelListener
public void columnAdded (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
public void columnMarginChanged (javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent e);
public void columnMoved (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
public void columnRemoved (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent e);
public void columnSelectionChanged (javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent e); empty
// Public Methods Overriding JComponent
public String getToolTipText (java.awt.event.MouseEvent event);
public void updateUI ();
// Protected Methods Overriding JComponent
protected String paramString ();
// Protected Instance Methods
protected TableColumnModel createDefaultColumnModel ();
protected void initializeLocalVars ();
// Protected Instance Fields
protected TableColumnModel columnModel ;
protected transient TableColumn draggedColumn ;
protected transient int draggedDistance ;
protected boolean reorderingAllowed ;
protected boolean resizingAllowed ;
protected transient TableColumn resizingColumn ;
protected JTable table ;
protected boolean updateTableInRealTime ;

Hierarchy: Object-->Component(java.awt.image.ImageObserver,java.awt.MenuContainer,Serializable)-->Container-->JComponent(Serializable)-->JTableHeader(Accessible,javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener(java.util.EventListener))

Passed To: JTable.setTableHeader(), JTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeader.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry.AccessibleJTableHeaderEntry()

Returned By: JTable.{createDefaultTableHeader(), getTableHeader()}

Type Of: JTable.tableHeader

TableCellEditorJava 1.2

This interface extends CellEditor and adds an additional method that must be implemented by classes that want to serve as editors for table cells displayed by a JTable. Most applications can rely on the default set of table-cell-editing capabilities of javax. swing.DefaultCellEditor and do not have to implement this interface. If you do need to implement this interface, see javax.swing.CellEditor and javax.swing.tree.TreeCellEditor for further details.

public abstract interface TableCellEditor extends CellEditor {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract Component getTableCellEditorComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column);

Hierarchy: (TableCellEditor(CellEditor))

Implementations: DefaultCellEditor

Passed To: JTable.{prepareEditor(), setCellEditor(), setDefaultEditor()}, TableColumn.{setCellEditor(), TableColumn()}

Returned By: JTable.{getCellEditor(), getDefaultEditor()}, TableColumn.getCellEditor()

Type Of: JTable.cellEditor, TableColumn.cellEditor

TableCellRendererJava 1.2

This interface defines the method that must be implemented by any class wishing to display data within a JTable component. getTableCellRendererComponent() is passed the value that appears in a specified table cell; it must return a Component object capable of displaying that value in some fashion. Other arguments to the method specify whether the cell is selected and whether it has the keyboard focus. A renderer should take these factors into account when deciding how to display the value. The JTable is responsible for positioning the returned Component properly and causing it to draw itself. The TableCellRenderer simply has to configure the appearance and content of the component before returning it. Most applications can rely on the DefaultTableCellRenderer class to display a textual representation of any object and do not have to implement this interface themselves.

public abstract interface TableCellRenderer {
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column);

Implementations: DefaultTableCellRenderer

Passed To: JTable.{prepareRenderer(), setDefaultRenderer()}, TableColumn.{setCellRenderer(), setHeaderRenderer(), TableColumn()}

Returned By: JTable.{getCellRenderer(), getDefaultRenderer()}, TableColumn.{createDefaultHeaderRenderer(), getCellRenderer(), getHeaderRenderer()}

Type Of: TableColumn.{cellRenderer, headerRenderer}

TableColumnJava 1.2

This class contains information about a single column displayed within a JTable. The JTable component creates TableColumn objects automatically, and applications rarely need to create their own. To obtain the TableColumn objects automatically created by a JTable, first obtain the TableColumnModel of the table and then use its methods to query the individual columns.

TableColumn exposes a number of useful properties. width, preferredWidth, minWidth, and maxWidth specify the current, preferred, minimum, and maximum sizes for the column. The resizable property specifies whether the user is allowed to resize the column. The identifier property allows you to attach a name to a column, which can sometimes be useful when working with columns that may be reordered. The identifier is never displayed. On the other hand, the headerValue property specifies the object (usually a String) that is displayed in the column header. The headerValue is displayed by the TableCellRenderer specified with the headerRenderer property. Do not confuse the headerRenderer with the cellRenderer and cellEditor properties. If these properties are not null, they specify a custom renderer object and a custom editor object to be used for the cells in this column. Finally, the modelIndex property specifies the column number to be used when extracting data for this column from the TableModel. Since JTable allows its columns to be rearranged by the user, there are two different coordinate systems for referring to columns. The first is the index of the TableColumn object within the TableColumnModel. This is the visual order of columns as displayed by the JTable. The other coordinate system is the more fundamental index of the column data within the underlying TableModel. The modelIndex property uses the latter coordinate system and specifies where to obtain data for the column.

public class TableColumn implements Serializable {
// Public Constructors
public TableColumn ();
public TableColumn (int modelIndex);
public TableColumn (int modelIndex, int width);
public TableColumn (int modelIndex, int width, TableCellRenderer cellRenderer, TableCellEditor cellEditor);
// Public Constants
public static final String CELL_RENDERER_PROPERTY ; ="cellRenderer"
public static final String COLUMN_WIDTH_PROPERTY ; ="columWidth"
public static final String HEADER_RENDERER_PROPERTY ; ="headerRenderer"
public static final String HEADER_VALUE_PROPERTY ; ="headerValue"
// Event Registration Methods (by event name)
public void addPropertyChangeListener (java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener); synchronized
public void removePropertyChangeListener (java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener); synchronized
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public TableCellEditor getCellEditor (); default:null
public void setCellEditor (TableCellEditor anEditor);
public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer (); default:null
public void setCellRenderer (TableCellRenderer aRenderer);
public TableCellRenderer getHeaderRenderer ();
public void setHeaderRenderer (TableCellRenderer aRenderer);
public Object getHeaderValue (); default:null
public void setHeaderValue (Object aValue);
public Object getIdentifier (); default:null
public void setIdentifier (Object anIdentifier);
public int getMaxWidth (); default:2147483647
public void setMaxWidth (int maxWidth);
public int getMinWidth (); default:15
public void setMinWidth (int minWidth);
public int getModelIndex (); default:0
public void setModelIndex (int anIndex);
public int getPreferredWidth (); default:75
public void setPreferredWidth (int preferredWidth);
public boolean getResizable (); default:true
public void setResizable (boolean flag);
public int getWidth (); default:75
public void setWidth (int width);
// Public Instance Methods
public void disableResizedPosting ();
public void enableResizedPosting ();
public void sizeWidthToFit ();
// Protected Instance Methods
protected TableCellRenderer createDefaultHeaderRenderer ();
// Protected Instance Fields
protected TableCellEditor cellEditor ;
protected TableCellRenderer cellRenderer ;
protected TableCellRenderer headerRenderer ;
protected Object headerValue ;
protected Object identifier ;
protected boolean isResizable ;
protected int maxWidth ;
protected int minWidth ;
protected int modelIndex ;
protected transient int resizedPostingDisableCount ;
protected int width ;

Hierarchy: Object-->TableColumn(Serializable)

Passed To: JTable.{addColumn(), removeColumn()}, DefaultTableColumnModel.{addColumn(), removeColumn()}, JTableHeader.{setDraggedColumn(), setResizingColumn()}, TableColumnModel.{addColumn(), removeColumn()}

Returned By: JTable.getColumn(), DefaultTableColumnModel.getColumn(), JTableHeader.{getDraggedColumn(), getResizingColumn()}, TableColumnModel.getColumn()

Type Of: JTableHeader.{draggedColumn, resizingColumn}

TableColumnModelJava 1.2

A JTable component uses a TableColumnModel object to keep track of the columns it displays, the order they are in, and their selection state. In essence, a TableColumnModel maintains a list of TableColumn objects and remembers which are selected. Most applications rely on the DefaultTableColumnModel implementation and rarely need to implement this interface themselves.

public abstract interface TableColumnModel {
// Property Accessor Methods (by property name)
public abstract int getColumnCount ();
public abstract int getColumnMargin ();
public abstract void setColumnMargin (int newMargin);
public abstract java.util.Enumeration getColumns ();
public abstract boolean getColumnSelectionAllowed ();
public abstract void setColumnSelectionAllowed (boolean flag);
public abstract int getSelectedColumnCount ();
public abstract int[ ] getSelectedColumns ();
public abstract ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel ();
public abstract void setSelectionModel (ListSelectionModel newModel);
public abstract int getTotalColumnWidth ();
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract void addColumn (TableColumn aColumn);
public abstract void addColumnModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener x);
public abstract TableColumn getColumn (int columnIndex);
public abstract int getColumnIndex (Object columnIdentifier);
public abstract int getColumnIndexAtX (int xPosition);
public abstract void moveColumn (int columnIndex, int newIndex);
public abstract void removeColumn (TableColumn column);
public abstract void removeColumnModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelListener x);

Implementations: DefaultTableColumnModel

Passed To: JTable.{JTable(), setColumnModel()}, javax.swing.event.TableColumnModelEvent.TableColumnModelEvent(), JTableHeader.{JTableHeader(), setColumnModel()}

Returned By: JTable.{createDefaultColumnModel(), getColumnModel()}, JTableHeader.{createDefaultColumnModel(), getColumnModel()}

Type Of: JTable.columnModel, JTableHeader.columnModel

TableModelJava 1.2

This interface is the intermediary between a JTable component and the data it displays. Every JTable uses a TableModel to encapsulate its data. getColumnCount() and getRowCount() return the size of the table. getColumnName() returns the header text for a given column number. getColumnClass() returns the Class object for a numbered column. (If you want to display different types of objects in a column, this method should return values of type Object.) The most important method of the interface, however, is getValueAt(), which, given a column number and a row number, returns the cell value. The JTable class can be configured to allow the user to reorder columns by dragging them. Note that this visual reordering does not change the underlying column numbers used to access data from the TableModel.

If you are allowing users to edit data in your TableModel, you must also provide meaningful implementations of isCellEditable() and setValueAt(). If the model can be edited or if the data it contains can otherwise change (e.g., if rows are added), you must also implement addTableModelListener() and removeTableModelListener() and send a TableModelEvent when the contents of the table change.

Applications with simple table display needs can rely on the DefaultTableModel. Because tabular data can come from an wide variety of sources, in a wide variety of formats, however, many applications need a custom TableModel implementation. Most applications find it easer to subclass AbstractTableModel than to implement TableModel from scratch.

public abstract interface TableModel {
// Event Registration Methods (by event name)
public abstract void addTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l);
public abstract void removeTableModelListener (javax.swing.event.TableModelListener l);
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract Class getColumnClass (int columnIndex);
public abstract int getColumnCount ();
public abstract String getColumnName (int columnIndex);
public abstract int getRowCount ();
public abstract Object getValueAt (int rowIndex, int columnIndex);
public abstract boolean isCellEditable (int rowIndex, int columnIndex);
public abstract void setValueAt (Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex);

Implementations: AbstractTableModel

Passed To: JTable.{JTable(), setModel()}, javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent.TableModelEvent()

Returned By: JTable.{createDefaultDataModel(), getModel()}

Type Of: JTable.dataModel

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