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Chapter 33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package

This simple package defines an RTFEditorKit that enables the javax.swing.JEditorPane component to display and edit Rich Text Format (RTF) documents. Figure 33-1 shows the class hierarchy of this package.


Figure 33-1. The javax.swing.text.rtf package

RTFEditorKitJava 1.2
javax.swing.text.rtfcloneable serializable

This EditorKit subclass provides support to a JEditorPane component for displaying and editing text stored in Microsoft's Rich Text Format (RTF). The getContentType() method returns "text/rtf". The read() and write() methods know how to translate between the RTF file format and the Element tree structure of a DefaultStyledDocument.

public class RTFEditorKit extends StyledEditorKit {
// Public Constructors
public RTFEditorKit ();
// Public Methods Overriding StyledEditorKit
public Object clone ();
// Public Methods Overriding DefaultEditorKit
public String getContentType (); default:"text/rtf"
public void read ( in, Document doc, int pos) throws, BadLocationException;
public void read ( in, Document doc, int pos) throws, BadLocationException;
public void write ( out, Document doc, int pos, int len) throws, BadLocationException;
public void write ( out, Document doc, int pos, int len) throws, BadLocationException;

Hierarchy: Object-->EditorKit(Cloneable,Serializable)-->DefaultEditorKit-->StyledEditorKit-->RTFEditorKit

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