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Index: 0

| Boolean OR operator: 2.5.6. Boolean Operators
-- decrement operator: 2.5.4. Increment and Decrement Operators
/** */ doc comments: 2.2. Comments
(/* */) multiline comments: 2.2. Comments
- substraction operator: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
- unary minus: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
+ addition operator: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
[] array element access operator: 2.5.11. Special Operators
= assignment operator: Declaring a variable and parsing input
2.5.8. Assignment Operators
* asterisk: 7.3.1. Structure of a Doc Comment
~ bitwise complement operator: 2.5.7. Bitwise and Shift Operators
| bitwise OR operator: 2.5.7. Bitwise and Shift Operators
^ bitwise XOR operator: 2.5.7. Bitwise and Shift Operators
& boolean AND & operator: 2.5.6. Boolean Operators
! Boolean NOT ! operator: 2.5.6. Boolean Operators
? conditional operator: 2.5.9. The Conditional Operator
|| conditional OR operator: 2.5.6. Boolean Operators
{} curly-brace character
in classes: Defining a class
in main method: Defining a method
/ division operator: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
= = equality operator: 2.10.2. Comparing Objects and Arrays
= = equals operator: 2.5.5. Comparison Operators
2.5.5. Comparison Operators
( ) method invocation operator: 2.5.11. Special Operators
% module operator: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
* multiplication operator: 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators
!= not equals operator: 2.5.5. Comparison Operators
. object member access operator: 2.5.11. Special Operators
+= operator: 2.5.3. String Concatenation Operator
; semicolon
in program lines: 1.3.1. Compiling and Running the Program
separating statements: Defining a method
@since doc-comment tag: 7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags
7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags
} single character: The end of a method
(//) single-line comments: 2.2. Comments
+ symbol (URLEncoder): 16. The Package
( ) type conversion or casting operator: 2.5.11. Special Operators
(_) underscore: 2.3. Identifiers and Reserved Words
$ Unicode symbol: 2.3. Identifiers and Reserved Words
@version doc-comment tag: 7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags
7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags

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