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Index: S

description of sandbox model: 1.2. The Java Sandbox
signed classes and: 12.2. Signed Classes
specifying as application argument: 1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security
sealed classes: 13.8. Sealed Objects
D.5. Package javax.crypto
SealedObject class: 13.8. Sealed Objects
D.5. Package javax.crypto
secret keys: 7.3.2. Cryptographic Keys
13.3.1. Secret Keys
engines for: 13.4. Secret Key Engines
KeyGenerator class: 13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
13.4.1. The KeyGenerator Class
D.5. Package javax.crypto
KeyGeneratorSpi class: D.5. Package javax.crypto
SecretKey class: D.5. Package javax.crypto
SecretKeyFactory class: 13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
13.4.2. The SecretKeyFactory Class
D.5. Package javax.crypto
SecretKeyFactorySpi class: The secret key factory SPI
D.5. Package javax.crypto
secure message digests: 9.1.1. Secure Message Digests
Secure Socket Layer (SSL): 7.1.3. Java's Role in Authentication
13.6.3. SSL Encryption
SecureClassLoader class: 3.2.4. The Secure Class Loader
5.1. The CodeSource Class
D.1. Package
implementing: 3.4.2. Implementing the SecureClassLoader Class
SecureRandom class: D.1. Package
aspects of, protecting: 4.3.7. Methods Protecting Security Aspects
bugs: C.1. Security Bugs
built into applications: 1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security
class loaders and: 3.1. Security and the Class Loader
cryptography (see cryptography)
definition of: 1.1. What Is Security?
encryption exportation laws: 13.1. Export Restrictions
enforcing Java language rules: 2.2. Enforcement of the Java Language Rules
engines for (see engines, security)
file access: 4.3.2. Methods Relating to File Access
jarsigner tool: A.2. The jarsigner Tool
Java language constructs for: 2.1. Java Language Security Constructs
java.policy files, administering by hand: A.4.2. The java.policy File file: 5.3.1. The Default Policy
administering by hand: A.4.1. The File
code of (Java 1.2): 5.3.1. The Default Policy
keys (see key, cryptographic)
keytool utility: A.1. The keytool
object serialization and: 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity
operating system and: 1.4. Running a Java Application
policytool tool: A.3. The policytool
protection domains: 5.4. Protection Domains
resources for further reading: C. Security Resources
threats to (see threats)
Security class: 8.1.1. Components of the Architecture
8.3. The Security Class
D.1. Package
security manager and: 8.3.1. The Security Class and the Security Manager
security exceptions: 4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
security managers: 1.3.1. Anatomy of a Java Application
4.1. Overview of the Security Manager
access controller and: 5. The Access Controller
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
asking information of/for class loader: 6.2. Security Managers and the Class Loader
class loaders and: 3.1.1. Class Loaders and Security Enforcement
3.2. Anatomy of a Class Loader
custom, when to write: 6. Implementing Security Policies
file-access methods: 4.3.2. Methods Relating to File Access
Identity class and: B.1.1.3. The Identity class and the security manager
identity scopes and: B.2.3. IdentityScope and the Security Manager
Java API and: 4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
JavaRunner program with (example): 6.4.1. The Secure JavaRunner Program
network-access methods: 4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access
null: A complete 1.1 security manager
protected instance variables: 6.1.2. Protected Instance Variables in the Security Manager
protected methods of: 6.1. Protected Methods of the Security Manager
protecting JVM: 4.3.4. Methods Protecting the Java Virtual Machine
protecting security aspects: 4.3.7. Methods Protecting Security Aspects
protecting system resources: 4.3.6. Methods Protecting System Resources
protecting threads: 4.3.5. Methods Protecting Program Threads
for RMI server: The RMI security manager
RMISecurityManager class: The RMI security manager
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
Security class and: 8.3.1. The Security Class and the Security Manager
setting: 4.3.1. Setting a Security Manager
signed JAR files and: 12.2.2. The Signed JAR File and Security Policies
signers and: B.1.2.3. Signers and the security manager
testing: 6.1.1. The Class Loader Depth
trusted vs. untrusted classes: 4.2. Trusted and Untrusted Classes
security package ( 1.3.1. Anatomy of a Java Application
permissions to use: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
quick reference: D.1. Package
security providers and: 8.1.1. Components of the Architecture
security policy: 5.3. The Policy Class
default: 5.3.1. The Default Policy
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
for file acces methods: Implementing the file access methods
implementing from threads: 6.3.4. Implementing Thread Security
implementing in class loader: 3.4.3. Implementing Security Policies in the Class Loader
implementing network access: 6.3.2. Implementing Network Access
in Java 1.2: 6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
JavaRunner program and (example): 6.4.1. The Secure JavaRunner Program
Launcher application and (example): 6.4.2. The Secure Java Launcher
for networks, threads, packages: Implementing network, thread, and package access
operating system and: 1.4. Running a Java Application
package access: 6.3.5. Implementing Package Access
Policy class: D.1. Package
policy entries: 5.3.1. The Default Policy
PolicyFile class: 5.3. The Policy Class
reading from URLs: 5.3.1. The Default Policy
setting the security manager: 4.3.1. Setting a Security Manager
signed JAR files: 12.2.2. The Signed JAR File and Security Policies
utility classes for implementing: 6.3.1. Utility Classes
security providers: 8. Security Providers
adding: 8.1.2. Choosing a Security Provider
8.3. The Security Class
architecture of: 8.1. The Architecture of Security Providers
interface for (SPI): 8.4. The Architecture of Engine Classes and: 8.1.1. Components of the Architecture
for keystore objects: 11.3. A Key Management Example
listing for virtual machine: 8.3. The Security Class
properties (associations) for: 8.2.2. Implementing the Provider Class
Provider class: 8.1.1. Components of the Architecture
8.2. The Provider Class
D.1. Package
Sun JCE: 13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
third-party, list of: C.2. Third-Party Security Providers
translate keys between: 10.3.1. Using the KeyFactory class
SecurityException class: 4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
SecurityManager class: 4.1.1. Security Managers and the Java API
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
implementing in Java 1.2: 6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
RMISecurityManager class: The RMI security manager
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
SecurityPermission class: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
D.1. Package
-selfcert option (keystore): A.1.4. Modifying Keystore Entries
Serializable interface: 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity
serialization: 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity
10.5. Keys, Certificates, and Object Serialization
permissions for: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
SerializablePermission class: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
X509 certificates and: 12.1.3. Signing and Certificates
server sockets: 4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access
setCertificateEntry( ), KeyStore class: 11.2. The KeyStore Class
setInfo( ), Identity class: B.1.1.1. Using the identity class
B.1.1.3. The Identity class and the security manager
setKeyPair( ), Signer class: B.1.2.1. Using the Signer class
setParameter( ), Signature class: 12.1.1. Using the Signature Class
setPolicy( ), Policy class: 5.3. The Policy Class
setPriority( ), Thread class: 2.1. Java Language Security Constructs
setPublicKey( ), Identity class: B.1.1.1. Using the identity class
B.1.1.3. The Identity class and the security manager
setSecurityManager( ), SecurityManager class: 4.3.1. Setting a Security Manager
setSystemScope( ), IdentityScope class: B.2.3. IdentityScope and the Security Manager
setting the security manager: 4.3.1. Setting a Security Manager
.SF filename extension: 12.2.1. Reading Signed JAR Files
shared identity scope: B.3.3. A Shared System Identity Scope
sharing keystores: 11.3. A Key Management Example
-sigalg option (keytool): A.1.3. Adding a Key Entry
A.1.3. Adding a Key Entry
-sigfile option (jarsigner): A.2.1. Creating a Signed JAR File
sign( ), Signature class: 12.1.1. Using the Signature Class
12.1.1. Using the Signature Class
Signature class: 12.1. The Signature Class
D.1. Package
implementing: 12.3. Implementing a Signature Class
MessageDigest class vs.: 12.1.1. Using the Signature Class
signature files: 12.2.1. Reading Signed JAR Files
signatures (see digital signatures)
SignatureSpi class: D.1. Package
signed classes: 12.2. Signed Classes
signed JAR files
reading: 12.2.1. Reading Signed JAR Files
security policy and: 12.2.2. The Signed JAR File and Security Policies
signedBy entry (policy file): 5.3.1. The Default Policy
-signedjar option (jarsigner): A.2.1. Creating a Signed JAR File
SignedObject class: 12.1.2. The SignedObject Class
D.1. Package
Signer class: B.1.2. Signers
B.3.2. Implementing a Signer Class
D.1. Package
signer entry (policy file): 5.3.1. The Default Policy
SIGNER.DSA file: A.2. The jarsigner Tool
SIGNER.SF file: A.2. The jarsigner Tool
signing JAR files: A.2.1. Creating a Signed JAR File
size( )
IdentityScope class: B.2.1. Using the IdentityScope Class
KeyStore class: 11.2. The KeyStore Class
snooping: 7.1.2. Data Authentication
socket factories: 4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access
4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access
sockets: 4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access
multicast, permissions for: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
permissions for: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
SocketPermission class: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages
software, commercial: 7.1. The Need for Authentication
C.2. Third-Party Security Providers
SPI (security provider interface): 8.4. The Architecture of Engine Classes
spoofing: 7.1.1. Author Authentication
C.1.1. Java Security Bugs
SSL encryption: 7.1.3. Java's Role in Authentication
13.6.3. SSL Encryption
SSLSocket class: 13.6.3. SSL Encryption
stack trace of threads: 5.5. The AccessController Class
state, object: 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity
store( ), KeyStore class: 11.2. The KeyStore Class
-storepass option (jarsigner): A.2.1. Creating a Signed JAR File
-storepass option (keytool): A.1.1. Global Options to keytool
-storepassword option (keystore): A.1.8. Miscellaneous Commands
cipher streams: 13.6. Cipher Streams
D.5. Package javax.crypto
digest streams: D.1. Package
message digest: 9.2. Message Digest Streams
strength, encryption: 10.2.1. Using the KeyPairGenerator Class
11.3. A Key Management Example
StrictSecurityManager class (example): A complete 1.1 security manager
Sun JCE security provider: 13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
cipher algorithms: 13.5.2. Cipher Algorithms
encryption modes: 13.5. Encrypting Data
key agreement algorithm: 13.7. Symmetric Key Agreement
padding schemes: 13.5. Encrypting Data class: 12.1.3. Signing and Certificates
SunJCE class: 13.2. The Sun Security Provider in the JCE
cipher algorithms: 13.5.2. Cipher Algorithms
encryption modes: 13.5. Encrypting Data
key agreement algorithm: 13.7. Symmetric Key Agreement
padding schemes: 13.5. Encrypting Data
sun.misc.Launcher class: 1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security
symmetric key agreements: 13.7. Symmetric Key Agreement
system resources protecting with security managers: 4.3.6. Methods Protecting System Resources

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