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Index: H

handleClient( ) method: The servlet
handleMalformedCount( ) method: 13.1. Parsing Parameters
handleNoCount( ) method: 13.1. Parsing Parameters
hash table: 4.3.4. A Personalized Welcome Caching a converted image
HEAD method
handling of: 2.3.5. Handling HEAD Requests
purpose: 2.1.3. Other Methods
<HEAD> tag: 5.6.1. Setting an HTTP Header
Accept: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
4.4.8. Request Headers
Accept-Charset: 12.5.2. Charset Preferences
Accept-Encoding: 6.2. Compressed Content
6.2. Compressed Content
Accept-Language: 12.5.1. Language Preferences
Authorization: 4.4.8. Request Headers
4.4.8. Request Headers
8.1.2. Custom Authorization
Cache-Control: 5.6. HTTP Headers
Connection: 5.6. HTTP Headers
Content-Encoding: 5.6. HTTP Headers
6.2. Compressed Content
6.2. Compressed Content
Content-Language: 12.1.1. HTML Character Entities
Content-Type: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
5.2. Sending a Normal Response
5.3. Using Persistent Connections
12.3.1. Charsets
Expires: 5.6. HTTP Headers
Location: 5.6. HTTP Headers
partial table of: 5.6. HTTP Headers
Pragma: 5.6. HTTP Headers Back to the applet
Referer: 4.4.8. Request Headers
Refresh: 6.3. Server Push
request: Accessing header values
response: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
Retry-After: 5.6. HTTP Headers
Server: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
User-Agent: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
4.4.8. Request Headers
6.2. Compressed Content
Vary: 6.2. Compressed Content
WWW-Authenticate: 4.4.8. Request Headers
5.6. HTTP Headers
8.1.2. Custom Authorization
``Hello World'' example: 2.3.1. Writing Hello World
5.2. Sending a Normal Response
5.4.1. Generating Hello World A ``Hello World'' image
12.1. Western European Languages
``Hello World'' example in client's language: 12.5.4. Writing To Each His Own
``Hello World'' example in Japanese: 12.3.2. Writing Encoded Output
hidden form fields
CGI: 7. Session Tracking
charset: 12.6.1. The Hidden Charset
in session-tracking: 7.2. Hidden Form Fields
``¡Hola Mundo!'' example: 12.1. Western European Languages
.htm extension: 2.5.3. The Loophole
ACTION attribute: 4.4.3. Path Information
7.3. URL Rewriting
<APPLET> tag: 2.4. Server-Side Includes An image of a simple applet
<BEAN> tag: 2.6.5. JavaServer Pages and JavaBeans
2.6.5. JavaServer Pages and JavaBeans
<BLINK> tag: 2.5. Servlet Chaining and Filters
2.5.1. Creating a Servlet Chain
13.3.1. Improving Deblink with Regular Expressions
character entities (&...;)
reference appendix: D. Character Entities
use of: 12.1.1. HTML Character Entities
constructed by hand: Weather forecast constructed by hand
degree symbol: Weather forecast using HTML generation creatively
forms: 12.6. HTML Forms
generation example: Weather forecast using HTML generation
generation of: 5.4. HTML Generation
<HEAD> tag: 5.6.1. Setting an HTTP Header
hidden form fields: 7.2. Hidden Form Fields
<IMG> tag: Drawing over an image
integration with databases: HTML generation and databases
<META HTTP-EQUIV> tag: 5.6.1. Setting an HTTP Header
object-oriented: 5.4. HTML Generation
5.4.1. Generating Hello World Weather forecast using HTML generation Weather forecast using HTML generation creatively
page generated by HTTP servlet: 2.3. Page Generation
<PARAM> tag: 2.4. Server-Side Includes
2.6.5. JavaServer Pages and JavaBeans
4.4.1. Request Parameters
10.3.6. The Dispatcher
removing <BLINK>: 2.5.1. Creating a Servlet Chain
13.3.1. Improving Deblink with Regular Expressions
RFC 2070 (HTML internationalization): 12.6. HTML Forms
how Java Web Server supports it: 2.5. Servlet Chaining and Filters
parameters: 2.4. Server-Side Includes
syntax varies: 2.4. Server-Side Includes
servlets embedded in pages
limited response capability: 2.4.1. Writing a Server-Side Include
SSI functionality: 2.4. Server-Side Includes
<SQL> tag: 2.5. Servlet Chaining and Filters
<TITLE> tag: 5.4.1. Generating Hello World
.html extension: 2.5.3. The Loophole
htmlKona package
HTML table generation: 9.2.5. Result Sets in Detail
web site for downloading: 5.4.1. Generating Hello World
access counters, as examples: 3.1.3. A Simple Counter
4.4.6. An Improved Counter
basic authentication: 8.1. HTTP Authentication
basic description: 2.1. HTTP Basics
connection to a CGI program: 10.1.1. HTTP and Raw Socket Connections
cookies: 2.2. The Servlet API
connections: 3.4. Single-Thread Model
4.1.1. Getting an Init Parameter
9.2.2. Getting a Connection
connectivity, advantage of servlets: 9. Database Connectivity
connectivity, servlets' power: 1.3.2. Power
deleting session objects: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
digest authentication: 8.1. HTTP Authentication
environment variables: 4. Retrieving Information
extra path information: 4.4.3. Path Information
GET method: 2.1.2. GET and POST
10.3.1. The Design
giving values to session objects: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
greeting user by name: 2.3.3. Handling Form Data
before response body: 5.1. The Structure of a Response
request: Accessing header values
response: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
see also headers: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
``Hello World'' example: 2.3.1. Writing Hello World
5.2. Sending a Normal Response
5.4.1. Generating Hello World A ``Hello World'' image
12.1. Western European Languages
``Hello World'' example in client's language: 12.5.4. Writing To Each His Own
``Hello World'' example in Japanese: 12.3.2. Writing Encoded Output
``¡Hola Mundo!'' example: 12.1. Western European Languages
logging errors: 5.7.2. Logging
methods 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
non-HTTP applet: The applet
non-HTTP protocol: The servlet
non-HTTP server: The servlet The superclass
passwords: 8.1. HTTP Authentication
POST method: 2.1.2. GET and POST
2.1.2. GET and POST
2.3.4. Handling POST Requests Handling POST requests using the input stream
10.1.1. HTTP and Raw Socket Connections
10.3.1. The Design
10.3.2. The Servlet
problem reports: 5.7.3. Reporting
query string: 2.1.2. GET and POST Combining images
10.1.1. HTTP and Raw Socket Connections
raw socket connections: 10.1.1. HTTP and Raw Socket Connections
10.3.1. The Design
11.2.1. An Improved getServlet( )
reference book: 2.1. HTTP Basics
4.4.8. Request Headers
response headers
partial table of: 5.6. HTTP Headers
retrieving names of session objects: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
retrieving session objects: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
retrieving values from session objects: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
stateless protocol: 7. Session Tracking
status codes
definition: 5.1. The Structure of a Response
partial table of: 5.5. Status Codes
reference appendix: C. HTTP Status Codes
reporting: 5.7.1. Status Codes
server-specific pages: 5.7.1. Status Codes
setting: 5.5.1. Setting a Status Code
text-based communication: 10.2.2. Text-based HTTP Communication
time in local zone: 2.4.1. Writing a Server-Side Include
version response: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers
virtual path: 4.4.3. Path Information
http scheme: 4.4.7. How It Was Requested
HTTP Servlet API, reference appendix: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
httpd script: 2.3.2. Running Hello World
httpd.exe program: 2.3.2. Running Hello World
httpd.nojre: 2.3.2. Running Hello World
HTTPS (HTTP plus SSL) protocol: 8.3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
https scheme: 4.4.7. How It Was Requested
HttpServlet class: 2.2. The Servlet API
B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
HttpServletRequest class
getAuthType( ) method: 8.1.1. Retrieving Authentication Information
getCookies( ) method: 7.4.1. Working with Cookies
getRemoteUser( ) method: 4.3.3. Getting Information About the User
8.1.1. Retrieving Authentication Information
identifying users: 4.3.3. Getting Information About the User
in javax.servlet.http: 2.2. The Servlet API
reference: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
HttpServletResponse class
encodeRedirectUrl( ) method: 7.5.7. Storing Session IDs
encodeUrl( ) method: 7.5.7. Storing Session IDs
in javax.servlet.http: 2.2. The Servlet API
reference: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
setting HTTP response headers: 5.6.1. Setting an HTTP Header
uses: 2.3.1. Writing Hello World
HttpSession class
getCreationTime( ) method: 7.5.3. The Session Life Cycle
getLastAccessedTime( ) method: 7.5.3. The Session Life Cycle
invalidate( ) method: 7.5.3. The Session Life Cycle
isNew( ) method: 7.5.3. The Session Life Cycle
reference: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
session-tracking: 7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics
session-tracking functionality: 2.2. The Servlet API
HttpSessionBindingEvent class: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
HttpSessionBindingListener class: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
HttpSessionContext class: 7.5.5. Putting Sessions in Context
B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference
HttpUtils class: B. HTTP Servlet API Quick Reference

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