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Index: U

UDP (User Datagram Protocol): 15.1.1. TCP/IP Concepts
UFS filesystem: 6.1.1. Filesystem Types
UIDs (user IDs)
NFS, NIS and: 15.4.1. Configuring NFS
<ul> HTML tag: More HTML features
UltraSPARC systems: F.1.4. UltraSPARC 64-bit Systems
F.5. SPARC-specific Issues After Installation
umount command: 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems
UMSDOS filesystem: 6.1.1. Filesystem Types
uname command: 7.4. Building a New Kernel
uncompress program: 7.1.1. Using gzip and bzip2
uncompressing files (see compression)
undo command (Emacs): 11.4.7. Emacs
undoing edits (vi editor): 9.1.3. Deleting Text and Undoing Changes
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs): 16.1. The World Wide Web
Unix: 1.2. A Brief History of Linux
commands: 1.5.1. Basic Commands and Utilities
4. Basic Unix Commands and Concepts
commercial implementations of: 1.8.4. Other Implementations of Unix
Perl language: 13.4. Using Perl
unmask command: 4.14. Changing the Owner, Group, and Permissions
unmounting filesystems: 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems
unnumbered lists in HTML: More HTML features
unpacking (see compression)
unsafe option (LILO): G.2. Image Options
up command (lpc): 8.4.12. Controlling Printer Services with lpc
update program: 5.5. Shutting Down the System
upgrading: 7.2. Upgrading Software
compiler: 7.2.2. Upgrading the Compiler
kernel patches: Applying patches
libraries: 7.2.1. Upgrading Libraries
UPS debugger: 14.2.1. Debuggers
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators): 16.1. The World Wide Web
Usenet (see news)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP): 15.1.1. TCP/IP Concepts
user ID: 5.7.1. The passwd File
5.7.7. Modifying User Accounts
useradd program: 3.2.1. Creating a User Account
5.7.5. Creating Accounts
userdel command: 5.7.6. Deleting and Disabling Accounts
UserDir directive: srm.conf
usermod command: 5.7.7. Modifying User Accounts
usernames: 5.7.1. The passwd File
users: 5.7.4. The Group File
(see also groups)
accounts: 3.2.1. Creating a User Account
4.1. Logging In
5.7. Managing User Accounts
creating/deleting: 5.7.5. Creating Accounts
backing up directories: 8.1.1. Simple Backups
for cron tasks: 8.2. Scheduling Jobs Using cron
log of those logged in: 8.3. Managing System Logs
permissions (see permissions)
root: 5.1. Running the System
5.7.1. The passwd File
/usr directory
/usr/bin directory: 4.16. Important Directories smail EDITME file
/usr/bin/apsfilter directory: 8.4.9. Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
/usr/include directory: 4.16. Important Directories
/usr/lib directory: 4.16. Important Directories
8.1.1. Simple Backups
13.1.7. More Fun with Libraries
/usr/lib/autofs directory: 6.1.3. Automounting Devices
/usr/local directory: 4.16. Important Directories
/usr/man directories: Formatting and installing the manual page
/usr/sbin directory: 4.16. Important Directories
/usr/src directory: 4.16. Important Directories
7.2.3. Upgrading Other Software
/usr/src/linux directory: 7.4. Building a New Kernel
8.1.1. Simple Backups
/usr/X11R6 directory: 10.3. Installing XFree86
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 file: 4.16. Important Directories
8.1.1. Simple Backups
utmp file: 8.3. Managing System Logs
UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy): 1.5.7. Networking

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