Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd Edition

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23.7 Encrypting Stored Code

It's kind of fun to watch a programming language like PL/SQL evolve over time. First there was Version 1.0 -- very useful for batch processing scripts, but not much else. And very buggy. Then with Version 2.0 we started to see the real promise of the language. Stored program units, packages, and more. Why, it was so useful that third-party vendors began to write applications in PL/SQL. And when they sold these applications to customers, they shipped them their software for installation -- and then ran smack into a depressing discovery: there wasn't any way to hide their proprietary formulas, knowledge, and plain hard work from the eyes of competitors!

To install a PL/SQL-based application in another database instance, you must CREATE OR REPLACE those program units from the source code. Source code must, therefore, be supplied to each customer. "Wake up, Oracle!" came the cry from value-added resellers (VARs), "we can't let everyone see our secrets." Mostly in response to this basic need of VARs, Oracle added (with PL/SQL Release 2.2 and beyond) the ability to encrypt or "wrap" source code.

When you encrypt PL/SQL source (I prefer that word to "wrap," since the concept of wrapping code is common to many languages, but generally means "encapsulation"), you convert your readable ASCII text source code into unreadable ASCII text source code. This unreadable code can then be distributed to customers or regional offices or whatever for creation in new database instances. It is as portable as your original PL/SQL code, and is included in imports and exports. The Oracle database maintains dependencies for this encrypted code as it would programs compiled from readable text. In short, an encrypted program is treated within the database just as normal PL/SQL programs are treated; the only difference is that prying eyes can't query the USER_SOURCE data dictionary to extract trade secrets.

23.7.1 How to Encrypt Code

To encrypt PL/SQL source code, you run the wrap executable. This program may be found in the bin directory of the Oracle instance. In UNIX, this directory is located at $ORACLE_HOME/bin. In Windows NT, you can cd to c:\OraNT\bin, where "c:" denotes the drive on which Oracle has been installed. You will then find in your bin directory a program whose name has this format: wrapNN.exe, where NN is the version number of the database. So if you have Oracle 7.3 installed, you will have a wrap73.exe file in the bin directory.

The format of the encryption command is:

wrapNN iname=readablefile [oname=encryptedfile]

where NN is your version number (72, 73, 80, etc.), readablefile points to the original, readable version ("in" file) of your program, and encryptedfile is the name of the file which will contain the encrypted version of code ("out" file).

If readablefile does not contain a file extension, then the default of sql is assumed.

If you do not provide an oname argument, then wrapNN creates a file with the same name as readablefile, but with a default extention of plb, which stands for "PL/SQL binary" (a misnomer, but it gets the idea across: binaries are unreadable).

Here are some examples of using the wrap73 executable:

  1. Wrap a program relying on all of the defaults:

    c:\orant\bin\wrap73 iname=secretprog
  2. Wrap a package body, specifying overrides of all the defaults. Notice that the encrypted file does not have to have the same filename or extension as the original:

    c:\orant\bin\wrap73 iname=secretbody.spb oname=shhhhhh.bin

23.7.2 Working with Encrypted Code

I have found the following steps to be useful in working with encrypted code:




Readable package specifications


Readable package bodies


Encrypted package specifications


Encrypted package bodies

23.7.3 Impact of Encrypting Code

There are several points to consider as you move to encrypting your PL/SQL code base:

NOTE: As of fall 1997, no one has yet admitted to having been able to (or bothering to) crack the encryption of wrapped PL/SQL code. But don't get your hopes up too high!

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23.6 Using SQL to Examine Stored ObjectsBook Index24. Debugging PL/SQL

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