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Index: Symbols and Numbers
- \:= (assignment) operator
- 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
- 4.4.3. Default Values
- 9.5. Assigning Values to and from Records
- -- (comment indicator)
: 2.5.1. Single-Line Comment Syntax
- > (label delimeters)
: 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
- ' (quotation mark)
- 2.3.1. Embedding Single Quotes Inside a String
- 11.1.10. The REPLACE function
- ; (semicolon)
: 2.4. The Semicolon Delimiter
- /* and */ (comment block delimiters)
: 2.5.2. Multiline Comment Syntax
- || (concatenation) operator
- 4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
- 11.1.3. The CONCAT function
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