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Index: R

RAISE statement Programmer raises ZERO_DIVIDE exception
8.10. RAISE Nothing but Exceptions
8.3.4. Unnamed Programmer-Defined Exceptions
8.7. Client-Server Error Communication
raising exceptions
(see also exceptions) Raising exceptions in nested blocks
8.5. Raising an Exception
8.10. RAISE Nothing but Exceptions
range scheme, FOR loops : 7.3. The Numeric FOR Loop
RAW datatype The RAW datatype
14.2.3. The HEXTORAW function
RAWTOHEX function : 14.2.4. The RAWTOHEX function
RDBMS language : 1.3.1. Improved Application Portability with PL/SQL
read consistency, stored functions and : 17.7.2. Read Consistency Model Complications
READ procedure : C.6.13. The READ procedure
read-committed isolation level : 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
read-only parameters : (see IN mode)
read-only transactions : 6.1.4. The SET TRANSACTION Statement
READ_ONLY procedure : C.15.7. The READ_ONLY procedure
READ_WRITE procedure : C.15.8. The READ_WRITE procedure
readability of code : 15.7.3. Improving Readability
readability, local modules for : 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
REAL subtype : 4.2.2. Numeric Subtypes
real-time production support : 26.2.1. Features of a Real-Time Support Mechanism
RECEIVE_MESSAGE function : C.10.5. The RECEIVE_MESSAGE function
(see also variables) Programmer-defined records
1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
4. Variables and Program Data
9. Records in PL/SQL
accessing data from : 9.1.2. Accessing Record-Based Data
child : The EXCEPTION_INIT pragma
collections as components of : Collections as components of a record
comparing : 9.1.6. Comparing Two Records
compatibility of : 9.6. Record Types and Record Compatibility
corresponding to cursors : 9.1.4. Guidelines for Using Records
cursor FOR loops : 7.4.2. The Cursor FOR Loop Record
(see also cursors)
9.3. Cursor-Based Records
9.2.1. Declaring Records with the %ROWTYPE Attribute
9.4.2. Declaring the Record
10.7. Clearing the PL/SQL Table The DELETE procedure
fetching into : (see FETCH statement)
filling : 10.6. Filling the Rows of a PL/SQL Table
index-by tables of : 25.4.8. Use Index-By Tables of Records and Objects
initializing : 9.6.2. Record Initialization
locking : 6.11. SELECT FOR UPDATE in Cursors
manual : Manual records
naming columns of : 9.3.2. Setting the Record's Column Names
nested : 9.7. Nested Records
as parameters : 9.1.4. Guidelines for Using Records
programmer-defined : 9.4. Programmer-Defined Records
referencing : 9.1.5. Referencing a Record and its Fields
setting to NULL : Setting records to NULL
table-based : 9.2. Table-Based Records
in tables : 10.8. PL/SQL Table Enhancements in PL/SQL Release 2.3
referencing fields of : Referencing fields of record elements in PL/SQL tables
recursion, mutual : (see forward declarations)
recursive object types : Forward type definitions
recursive processing : 17.8.7. Recursive Processing in a SQL Statement
avoiding in package bodies : 1.7.3. Center All Development Around Packages
local modules for : 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
(see also cursor variables)
6.12.3. Declaring REF CURSOR Types and Cursor Variables Cursor variable aliases
identifying : Identifying the REF CURSOR type
REF keyword : 18.2.3. Adding Complex Data Structures
reference pointers : (see REFs)
references to host variables : Minimize references to host variables
references to objects : (see REFs)
record fields in tables : Referencing fields of record elements in PL/SQL tables
table rows : 10.5. Referencing and Modifying PL/SQL Table Rows
REFRESH procedure : C.13.4. The REFRESH procedure
REFRESH_ALL procedure : C.13.5. The REFRESH_ALL procedure
REFs (object references) Inheritance
18.2.3. Adding Complex Data Structures REFs
as collection elements : 19.2.1. Collections "In the Database"
DEREF operator and : DEREF
object views and
20. Object Views
20.3.3. MAKE_REF: Returning a Virtual REF
20.4.2. Using REFs with Object Views
as operators : REFs
as type modifiers : REFs
REGISTER procedure : C.2.1. The REGISTER procedure
relational (=) operators : 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
Release 1.1, PL/SQL
1.4.8. PL/SQL Release 1.1 Features of the array package
Release 2.1, PL/SQL : 1.4.4. PL/SQL Release 2.1
new_add_months function : 12.2.1. Customizing the Behavior of ADD_MONTHS
overloaded modules : 15.8.4. Restrictions on Overloading
Release 2.2, PL/SQL : 1.4.5. PL/SQL Release 2.2
cursor variables : 6.12. Cursor Variables
Release 2.3, PL/SQL
1.4.6. PL/SQL Release 2.3
10.1.1. PL/SQL Tables
tables : 10.8. PL/SQL Table Enhancements in PL/SQL Release 2.3
RELEASE function : C.7.3. The RELEASE function
releasing record locks : 6.11.1. Releasing Locks with COMMIT
remainder function : 13.1.13. The MOD function
remote dependency Improved remote dependency model External procedures
remote procedure calls (RPCs) : B.2.3. No Direct Remote Procedure Calls
remote procedures
22.7.5. Default Values and Remote Procedure Calls
23.4. Remote Procedure Calls
REMOVE procedure
C.2.2. The REMOVE procedure
C.5.6. The REMOVE procedure
REMOVE_PIPE function : C.10.6. The REMOVE_PIPE function
REMOVEALL procedure : C.2.3. The REMOVEALL procedure
removing : (see deleting)
REPEAT UNTIL loop : 7.2.2. Emulating a REPEAT UNTIL Loop
repetitive code
(see redundancy)
15.7.1. Benefits of Local Modularization
REPLACE function
(see also TRANSLATE function)
4.3.3. Function Results with NULL Arguments
11.1.10. The REPLACE function
11.1.15. The TRANSLATE function
replacing characters in strings : 11.1.15. The TRANSLATE function
REQUEST function : C.7.4. The REQUEST function
reserved words
2.2.1. Reserved Words
3.1.2. Using Case to Aid Readability
RESET_BUFFER procedure : C.10.7. The RESET_BUFFER procedure
RESET_PACKAGE procedure : C.12.3. The RESET_PACKAGE procedure
RESTRICT_REFEFRENCES pragma : 17.3. Requirements for Stored Functions in SQL
manual application of : 17.7.1. Manual Application of Pragmas
RETURN datatype : 15.5.2. The RETURN Datatype
RETURN statement
6.4.4. The Cursor RETURN Clause RETURN statement
15.5.8. The RETURN Statement
cursor : 6.4. Declaring Cursors
in procedures : RETURN statement in a procedure
overloaded functions : 15.8.4. Restrictions on Overloading
of package cursors : 16.3.2. Declaring Package Cursors
using single : 22.2.2. Use a Single RETURN Statement for Successful Termination
reusing code : 1.7.1. Write as Little Code as Possible
REVERSE keyword : 7.3.1. Rules for Numeric FOR Loops
rights models : Rights model
RNDS purity code : 17.5.1. The RESTRICT_REFERENCES Pragma
RNPS purity code : 17.5.1. The RESTRICT_REFERENCES Pragma
ROLLBACK procedure : C.15.9. The ROLLBACK procedure
ROLLBACK statement
6.1.2. The ROLLBACK Statement
6.11.1. Releasing Locks with COMMIT
ROLLBACK TO statement : 6.1.2. The ROLLBACK Statement
ROLLBACK_FORCE procedure : C.15.10. The ROLLBACK_FORCE procedure
ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT procedure : C.15.11. The ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT procedure
ROUND function
12.1.6. The ROUND function
13.1.15. The ROUND function
rounding dates : 12.1.6. The ROUND function
row numbers, converting expressions to : 10.5.1. Automatic Conversion of Row Number Expressions
%ROWCOUNT cursor attribute : 6.9.3. The %ROWCOUNT Attribute
ROWID datatype : The ROWID datatype
converting to/from : 14.2.1. The CHARTOROWID function
ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER function : C.11.6. The ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER function
ROWID_CREATE function : C.11.1. The ROWID_CREATE function
ROWID_INFO procedure : C.11.2. The ROWID_INFO procedure
ROWID_OBJECT function : C.11.4. The ROWID_OBJECT function
ROWID_RELATIVE_FNO function : C.11.5. The ROWID_RELATIVE_FNO function
ROWID_ROW_NUMBER function : C.11.7. The ROWID_ROW_NUMBER function
ROWID_TO_EXTENDED function : C.11.9. The ROWID_TO_EXTENDED function
ROWID_TO_RESTRICTED function : C.11.10. The ROWID_TO_RESTRICTED function
ROWID_TYPE function : C.11.3. The ROWID_TYPE function
ROWID_VERIFY function : C.11.11. The ROWID_VERIFY function
ROWIDs, DBMS_ROWID package for : C.11. DBMS_ROWID (PL/SQL8 Only)
ROWIDTOCHAR function : 14.2.5. The ROWIDTOCHAR function
rows, table
(see also records)
9.1.1. Different Types of Records
data-smart numbers for : 10.9.2. Data-Smart Row Numbers in PL/SQL Tables
negative index : 10.2. Characteristics of PL/SQL Tables
objects for : 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
referencing and modifying : 10.5. Referencing and Modifying PL/SQL Table Rows
%ROWTYPE attribute
1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
9.2.1. Declaring Records with the %ROWTYPE Attribute %TYPE and %ROWTYPE
in cursor declarations : (see cursors)
ROWTYPE_MISMATCH exception : Handling the ROWTYPE_MISMATCH exception
RPAD function : 11.1.11. The RPAD function
RPCs (remote procedure calls) : 23.4. Remote Procedure Calls
RR format model : 14.3.3. RR: Changing Millenia
RTRIM function : 11.1.12. The RTRIM function
run authority
(see execute authority)
1.3.2. Improved Execution Authority and Transaction Integrity with PL/SQL
RUN procedure : C.5.7. The RUN procedure

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