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Index: V
- validating
- foreign key entry (example)
: 6.13.1. Validating Foreign Key Entry with Cursors
- modules
: 23.3. Module Validation and Dependency Management
- parameters and assumptions
: 22.2.4. Use Assertion Modules to Validate Parameters and Assumptions
- VALUE operator
- VALUE_ERROR exception
: 8.3.1. Named System Exceptions
- VALUES list, functions in
: 17.1. Looking at the Problem
- VARCHAR datatype
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- VARCHAR2 datatype
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- converting to CHAR
: The VARCHAR2 and VARCHAR datatypes
- converting to/from ROWID
: 14.2.1. The CHARTOROWID function
- variable arrays,
objects for
: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- variable-size arrays
: (see VARRAYs)
- VARIABLE_VALUE procedure
: C.14.16. The VARIABLE_VALUE procedure
- variables
- (see also datatypes)
- Expanded set of datatypes for variables and constants
- 4. Variables and Program Data
- 4.2. Scalar Datatypes
- Boolean
: (see Boolean variables)
- collection variables
- Collection variables
- 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- combining scalars and aggregates
: 17.8.2. Combining Scalar and Aggregate Values
- constants
: (see literals)
- converting to named constants
: 4.7.5. Convert Variables into Named Constants
- correlation variables
: REFs
- cursor
: Cursor variables
- cursor variables
- 6.2.1. Types of Cursors
- 6.12. Cursor Variables
- restrictions on
: 6.12.8. Cursor Variable Restrictions
- in cursors
: 6.4.2. PL/SQL Variables in a Cursor
- declaring
: 4.4. Variable Declarations
- in packages
: 16.3. The Package Specification
- default values for
: 4.4.3. Default Values
- fetching into
: (see FETCH statement)
- global
: 22.5.4. Avoid Global Variables and Data Structures
- package data as
: 16.5.2. Global Within a Single Oracle Session
- IN OUT mode
: The IN OUT mode
- local
- objects for
: 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
- performance and
: 25.4.3. Rely on Local Variables to Improve Performance
- names for
- (see also identifiers)
- 1.7.5. Structured Code and Other Best Practices
- naming
- 4.1. Identifiers
- 4.7.1. Establish Clear Variable Naming Conventions
- normalization of local
: Normalization of local variables
: 4.3. NULLs in PL/SQL
- package, stored functions and
: 17.4. Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL
- in packages
- B.2.2. No Direct Stored Package Variable References
- reducing memory usage of
: 25.2.5. Reducing Memory Usage of Package Variables
- recycling
: 4.7.3. Avoid Recycling Variables
- removing unused
: 4.7.6. Remove Unused Variables from Programs
- representing columns
: 4.7.7. Use %TYPE When a Variable Represents a Column
- simplifying logic with
: 4.7.9. Use Variables to Hide Complex Logic
- text
: (see strings)
- variable arrays
: Variable arrays and nested tables
- VARRAYs (variable-size arrays)
: 19.1. Types of Collections
- adding/removing elements of
: 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
- assigning values to elements
: 19.4.2. Assigning Values to Elements: Index (Subscript) Considerations
- CAST pseudo-function for
: 19.5.2. The CAST Pseudo-function
- defining
: 19.2.1. Collections "In the Database"
- initializing
: 19.4.1. Initializing Collection Variables
- integration of
: VARRAY integration
- verifying string format
: 11.2.5. Verifying String Formats with TRANSLATE
- Version 1.1, PL/SQL
: B. Calling Stored Procedures from PL/SQL Version 1.1
- Version 2.0, PL/SQL
: 1.4.3. PL/SQL Version 2.0
- datatypes
: B.2.1. No Server-Side PL/SQL Datatypes
- RPCs
: 23.4. Remote Procedure Calls
- stubs
: B.1. Using Stubs to Talk to Server-Side PL/SQL
- Version 8.0, PL/SQL
- 1.4.7. PL/SQL Version 8.0
version 8 enhancements
: 25.5. Overview of PL/SQL8 Enhancements
- versions of Oracle, objects and
: 18.1.3. Comparison: Oracle8 Objects and Earlier Features
- versions, PL/SQL, working with multiple
: 1.4.1. Working with Multiple Versions of PL/SQL
- views,
: 20.3.2. DROP: Dropping Views and Triggers
- views, object
(see objects,
object views)
- virtual REFs
: 20.3.3. MAKE_REF: Returning a Virtual REF
- defining
: Defining virtual REFs
- DEREF function and
: DEREF: Interpreting a virtual REF
- storing
: 20.4.3. Storage of Virtual REFs
- virtual tables
: 6.2. Cursors in PL/SQL
- visibility of identifiers
: 15.3.5. Scope and Visibility
- VSIZE function
: 13.3.10. The VSIZE function
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