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Index: D

DAD : (see Database Access Descriptor)
data models : 8.3.2. Data Model
data structures, OWA_TEXT package : Data structures
data, managing with Oracle : 1.3.9. Oracle interMedia
data, types of : 1.1. The Internet Grows Up
Database Access Descriptor
2.3. Content Delivery Model
3.2.2. Configuring a Database Access Descriptor (DAD)
parameters : DAD parameters
Database Access Descriptor (DAD) : 2.2.5. The Uniform Resource Locator
Database Access Descriptor Name parameter, DAD : DAD parameters
database administration
1.3.5. WebDB
3.1.1. Database Administration
database intengration : 2.4. Database Integration
database object wizards : Building database objects
database objects : 2.5.2. Database Objects
database security : 2.5. Database Security Review
objects : 2.5.2. Database Objects
privileges : 2.5.3. Privileges
users : 2.5.1. Database Users
datatype indicators, HTP package : 7.1.1. HTP: Generating HTML
datatype value, PL/SQL : Declaring a variable
date warehousing : 1.1. The Internet Grows Up
DATETYPE datatype : Representing dates
DBDOM package : 9.6. PLSXML Utilities and Demos
DBXML package : 9.6. PLSXML Utilities and Demos
DBXSL package : 9.6. PLSXML Utilities and Demos
debugging : Debugging
declaration section, PL/SQL : 6.1. Structured Programming in PL/SQL
DECLARE keyword, PL/SQL : 6.1. Structured Programming in PL/SQL
Default (Home) Page parameter, DAD : DAD parameters
default mime type parameter, server settings : Server settings
default values, PL/SQL
6.1.3. Parameters Declaring a variable
dequeuing messages : Enqueue and dequeue messages to/from a queue
developing web applications : 1.4.2. Develop Web Applications with HTML and PL/SQL
development platforms : 1.2. Current Web Techniques Are Inadequate
Devleloper/2000 applications : Oracle Lite
digital certificates : 2.5.5. Additional Security Precautions
display_survey_list procedure, EMP_SURVEY package
8.2.4. The EMP_SURVEY Package Body
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) : InternetLite server and API
DNS (Domain Name Server) : 2.2.1. The TCP/IP Network
Document Access Path parameter, DAD : DAD parameters
Document Access Procedure parameter, DAD : DAD parameters
Document Table parameter, DAD : DAD parameters
document type definition (DTD) : 9.3. The Document Type Definition (DTD)
Domain Name Server (DNS) : 2.2.1. The TCP/IP Network
DOS : Finding what you need
DTD (document type definition) : 9.3. The Document Type Definition (DTD)
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) : InternetLite server and API
dynamic page wizard, WebDB : Building user interface components
dynamic resources
1.2.2. Application Development
2.1. Resources

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