I've been finding more and more uses for the {}
characters in csh, tcsh, and bash.
(Other shells can use {}
, too; see article
They're similar to
, ?
, and []
but they don't match filenames the way that *
, ?
, and
You can give them arbitrary
text (not just filenames) to expand - that "expand-anything" ability is
what makes them so useful.
Here are some examples to get you thinking:
To fix a typo in a filename (change fixbold5.c to fixbold6.c):
%mv fixbold{5,6}.c
An easy way to see what the shell does with {}
is by adding
echo (8.6)
before the mv:
%echo mv fixbold{5,6}.c
mv fixbold5.c fixbold6.c
To copy filename to filename.bak in one easy step:
%cp filename{,.bak}
To print files from other directory(s) without retyping the whole pathname:
%lpr /usr3/hannah/training/{ed,vi,mail}/lab.{ms,out}
That would give lpr (43.2) all of these files:
/usr3/hannah/training/ed/lab.ms /usr3/hannah/training/ed/lab.out /usr3/hannah/training/vi/lab.ms /usr3/hannah/training/vi/lab.out /usr3/hannah/training/mail/lab.ms /usr3/hannah/training/mail/lab.out
...in one fell swoop!
To edit ten new files that don't exist yet:
%vi /usr/foo/file{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j}
That would make /usr/foo/filea, /usr/foo/fileb, ...
Because the files don't exist before the command starts,
the wildcard vi
would not work (9.4).
An easy way to step through three-digit numbers 000, 001, ..., 009, 010, 011, ..., 099, 100, 101, ... 299 is:
foreach | foreach n ({0,1,2}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) ...Do whatever with the number $n... end |
Yes, csh also has built-in arithmetic, but its
operator (47.4)
can't make numbers
with leading zeros.
This nice trick shows that
the {}
are good for more than just
To create sets of subdirectories:
%mkdir man
%mkdir man/{man,cat}{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
%ls -F man
cat1/ cat3/ cat5/ cat7/ man1/ man3/ man5/ man7/ cat2/ cat4/ cat6/ cat8/ man2/ man4/ man6/ man8/
To print ten copies of the file project_report (if your lpr (43.2) command doesn't have a -#10 option):
%lpr project_repor{t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t}
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