The Bourne shell -e option should stop execution when a command returns a non-zero status. Does your -e option seem to cause some if commands to abort scripts? If so, you have a copy of the Buggy Bourne Shell, as distributed with 4.2BSD, 4.3BSD, and probably several other systems. It can be identified by running:
$set -e
$if false; then echo yipe; else echo ok; fi
and noting that the shell exits instead of printing ok
, and by:
|| | $ |
which also exits and should not, and by:
$set -e
$while false; do :; done
To fix it, first get the source, and then change it in the obvious three places in xec.c. You will have to learn Bournegol [the ALGOL-like dialect of C that Steve Bourne used to write the original Bourne shell-JP ]. Another alternative is to replace /bin/sh with one of the free sh look-alikes (1.8), provided you can find one that is enough alike.
As a workaround, you can set +e
around all the tests that might fail.
Unfortunately, some versions of the Buggy Bourne Shell do not even support
set +e
; here the only workaround is to run a
subshell (38.4)
the -e flag.
- in comp.unix.questions on Usenet, 20 February 1990
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