33.3 Getting Information about an Email Account
You can use an AppleScript to find
out information about an account. To do this, you
need to get references to the Mail application's
account elements. For example, the code fragment:
tell app "Mail" to get accounts returns a list
type containing Mail account objects.
Finally, Example 33-3 shows how to set up and send an
email with Mail and Mac OS X. Mail's
send command returns 1 if the mail was sent and
if the send failed.
Example 33-3. Making and Sending an email with AppleScript
tell application "Mail"
set theContent to "Here's my first Mac OS X email message!"
set email to (make new compose message at the beginning of¬
compose messages with properties {content:theContent,¬
tell email to make new to recipient at beginning of to recipients¬
make new message editor at the beginning of message editors
set the compose message of message editor 1 to email
send email
end tell