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/ ÷ div


set aNum to 10 / 3.14

Return value

If you use / or ÷ the result is always a real value type. If you use div, the result is always an integer.


The three division operators differ in that / and ÷ produce real value types, whereas div always returns an integer. div is the opposite of mod. For example, 10 div 3 results in 3 and the remainder of 1 is ignored; 10 mod 3 results in 1 (the remainder) and the 3 result is ignored. You produce the ÷ character by typing option-/. Remember not to confuse the / division operator with the \ escape character that is used to produce string characters such as a tab (\t) or return (\r).


10 / 3 -- returns 3.333333333333

10 div 3 -- returns 3

10 mod 3 -- by way of comparison, returns 1
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