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10 is less than 11 -- returns true


[is] less than

comes before

is not greater than or equal [to]

isn't greater than or equal [to]


These operators, either the symbols or human-language versions, return true or false from the expression where they are used. You can use dates, integers, reals, or strings with these operators. Both operands should be of the same class. If they are not then AppleScript tries to coerce the right operand to the class of the left operand.

Scripters who swear by AppleScript's plainspokenness can stick with is less than, comes before, and their other alternatives (as opposed to just "<" ).


35.29 is less than 35.3 -- returns true

"animal" < "boy" -- returns true

date "1/1/1970" comes before date "1/1/2000"-- returns true.
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