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tell app "FileMaker Pro" to get ID of record after (current record of¬ 

database "myDB.fm4") (* returns ID of the record after the currently active 

record *)


[in] back of



The reserved word after indicates a Relative reference form. Use this reference syntax to identify an object based on its position relative to another object. after is a synonym for in back of and behind. Unlike some other reference methods, this one needs object references on either side of it (when targeting the Finder), such as:

folder after folder "Apple Extras" of startup disk

The "folder" indicates which class type or value the script is specifying; after is the reserved word indicating Relative reference form, and folder "Apple Extras" of startup disk refers to the object position on the startup disk where AppleScript will start looking for the folder. The following code refers to the object position on the startup disk where AppleScript will start looking for the folder:

(folder "Apple Extras" of startup disk)
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