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tell app "AppleWorks"

    move paragraph 1 of text body of document 1 to the back of text body¬

    of document 1

    (* or, move paragraph 1 of text body of document 1 to the end of text 

    body of document 1 *)

end tell




The back and end reserved words are Relative reference forms that can refer to the last insertion point in a container, such as a text document. The end word can also refer to the end of a list, as in:

get end of {1,2,3,4,5} -- this returns 5

They can also refer to the last insertion point in a container, such as a text document. The insertion point is the place in a text document where your cursor is positioned. You can use beginning and front to refer to the first insertion point of a container. You can also use back to refer to open application windows (at least in terms of the BBEdit text editor):

tell application "BBEdit 5.0" to close back window

last might be more readable if you are getting the last item in a container, such as a folder (see last).

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