- Animate
If an animation object like a QuickTime movie exists in the open
Apple Guide window, then this command is a signal for it to execute
its animation. The following is an example of animate
tell app "Apple Guide" to animate
Your script raises an error if you use this command and the open
Apple Guide window does not have an animation.
- Close
This command closes all the Apple Guide windows and the running
database of help files. But it doesn't close the
Apple Guide program, which is still running invisibly in the
background. You can still send the program an Apple event to open
another application's Guide files, for instance. Use
Quit if you want to completely quit the Guide
program so that it doesn't use the
machine's memory anymore.
- DoCoach
This command
draws the coach mark that is defined for the current Apple Guide
window, or it has no effect if the current panel has not defined a
coach mark. If any of the Topics, Index, or Look For Apple Guide
panels are active then this command raises an error.
- CoachID integer
This optional parameter draws the coach mark associated with a
particular id number, if any is defined for the active Guide panel or
- DoHuh
If the beveled button with the
"Huh?" label is active in the lower
left corner of the Guide window, then issuing this command is the
equivalent of clicking the "Huh?"
tell app "Apple Guide" to DoHuh
- GoBack
This command closes an
"oops" topic and returns to the
Guide window that preceded the active oops panel.
What's an oops topic, you ask? When the Apple Guide
instructs the user to initiate a command such as File
Print and the user moves to the next instructive
panel without doing the requested command, then Apple Guide usually
displays another panel with the oops label and some text that repeats
the instructions.
- GoNext
This command moves to the next Apple
Guide window.
- GoNextUnconditionally
Unlike GoNext, this command goes to the next
window regardless of whether the user has followed the previous
panel's instructions.
- GoNextToPanel
This command goes to the next numbered panel, as in:
tell app "Apple Guide" to GoNextToPanel PanelNumber 5
Specify the panel number with the PanelNumber
labeled parameter. If there is not a panel number 5 (because the
active set of Apple Guide windows only has four panels), then Apple
Guide ignores the command.
- GoNextToFirst
This command goes to the first panel in the Guide sequence.
- GoNextToLast
This command goes to the last panel in the Guide sequence.
- GoPrevious
This command goes to the window preceding the active Guide panel;
it's the same as clicking the left arrow button in
the lower region of an Apple Guide panel.
- GoPreviousUnconditionally
This goes to the window preceding the active Guide panel, but
doesn't evaluate any of the help
program's qualifiers such as whether the user
followed on-screen instructions. This command has the same effect as
clicking the left arrow button in the lower region of an Apple Guide
- GoStart
This goes back to the beginning of a help sequence, such as an Apple
Guide Topics window.
- HidePanel
This minimizes a help window (makes it smaller on the desktop).
- ShowPanel
This command expands or maximizes a minimized guide window. The
command is ignored if the panel is already maximized.
- TogglePanel
If the panel is minimized this command maximizes it, and vice versa.
It has the same effect as clicking the zoom box (first control in
upper right corner) on the Guide panel.
- GoViewIndex
This command goes to the access window's Index view,
which has the same effect as clicking the Index button. If the access
window is not open then this command raises an error. The access
window is the upper level Guide window. See
GoViewLookFor and
- GoViewLookFor
This command goes to the access window's Look For
view (which is the same as clicking the Look For button). If the
access window is not open then this command raises an error. See
GoViewIndex and
- string string
The string labeled parameter for this command
7forces a search for the string and presents some
topic results:
GoViewLookFor string "grep"
- GoViewTopicAreas
This goes to the access window's Topics view, which
also happens when you click the Topics button in the access window.
If the access window is not open then this command raises an error.
See GoViewIndex and
- Open
Use the Open
command, followed by a database
file-specification labeled parameter,
to open a new Apple Guide help system. Save the path to the Guide
file in a file specification variable, and then
follow the open database syntax with the
variable and any of the two optional parameters.
Here's a syntax example:
tell app "Apple Guide" to open database filespec string "grep"
ViewNumber 4
This command forces a search of the filespec Guide
file for the term "grep" and
presents the results in a Look For access window. Notice that the
target application for the example's command is
"Apple Guide", not
"BBEdit 5.0." When you use
AppleScript, the program's Guide file is controlled
through the Apple Guide application. BBEdit's
dictionary does not identify any Apple events for controlling help
- Database file specification
The database labeled parameter uses a file
specification object, which contains the file path to an
Apple Guide file.
- string string
The labeled parameter string (which takes a
string type) allows the script to force a database
search for the particular string term. Using this
parameter with the open command is the
equivalent of the user going to the Look For access window, entering
the string in the edit field, and clicking the
search button. So a single AppleScript command substitutes for at
least three manual interactions with the Apple Guide.
- ViewNumber integer
Follow this labeled parameter with an integer
representing one of six choices of views that will be displayed:
1=Full Howdy, 2=Topic Areas, 3=Index, 4=LookFor, 5=Single Howdy,
6=Single Topics. For example, Figure 10-1 represents
the Full Howdy view.
- OpenPanelOnly
This command opens the presentation
window (as opposed to an access view such as Index) associated with
the panel id number provided with the panelId
labeled parameter. You also have to provide the
database labeled parameter with this command if a
Guide database isn't already open.
- PanelId integer
This is a number representing the id of the panel to open:
OpenPanelOnly PanelID 4.
- Database file specification or string pathname:
Include this labeled parameter if Apple Guide is not already running
or if you are changing Guide files:
OpenPanelOnly PanelID 4 Database filespec
Apple recommends that scripters use a file
specification type rather than a string
type for identifying the Guide file.
- OpenPanelOnlyAnother
You can open a panel in a new window using this command, as long as a
Guide file is already open. In other words, an already opened
presentation window will not close as a result of
- PanelId integer
Identify the panel to open in a new Guide window with this labeled
OpenPanelOnlyAnother PanelID 4
- OpenPanelOnlyReplacement
This replaces any existing windows with the presentation window
identified with the PanelId labeled parameter.
The parameter is required, as shown in the following:
OpenPanelOnlyReplacement PanelId 4
- PanelID integer
Include the id of the panel that will open.
- OpenWithSequence
If you know the sequence id of a particular sequence of Guide
presentation windows, then you can use this command to test it:
OpenWithSequence Database filespec SequenceID 4
- Database file specification
Save the Guide file's path (a
string such as "macintosh
hd:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit Guide") to a
variable of type file specification, then use the
variable for the Database labeled parameter:
OpenWithSequence Database filespec SequenceID 1
- SequenceID integer
This is a required labeled parameter whose integer
represents the id of the sequence of panels to launch.
- PanelNumber integer
Optionally, include the id of the panel that starts off the sequence:
OpenWithSequence Database filespec SequenceID 1 PanelNumber 2
- OpenNamedSequence
This is like the previous command, except that you name the sequence
with a string, rather than providing a sequence id
number. The following is a syntax example:
OpenNamedSequence Database filespec SequenceName "printhlp" PanelNumber 2
- Database file specification
Save the Guide file's path (a
string such as "macintosh
hd:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit Guide") to a
variable of type file specification, then use the
variable for the Database labeled parameter:
OpenNamedSequence Database filespec SequenceName "printhlp"
- SequenceName string
This is the name of the sequence to initiate on the desktop.
- PanelNumber integer
Optionally, include the id of the panel that will start off the
OpenNamedSequence Database filespec SequenceName "printhlp" PanelNumber 2
- OpenWithSequenceAnother
This is designed to display a sequence of panels without closing any
existing windows, but a Guide file or database must already be open.
- SequenceID integer
This is a required labeled parameter whose integer
represents the id of the sequence of panels to launch.
- PanelNumber integer
Optionally, include the id of the panel that starts off the sequence:
OpenWithSequenceAnother SequenceID 1 PanelNumber 2
- OpenWithSequenceOops
This command initiates a new sequence of panels in an open Guide
window, hiding but not closing the original window. A
GoBack command returns the user to the prior
window. The particular Guide database must already be open.
- SequenceID integer
This is a required labeled parameter whose integer
represents the id of the sequence of panels to launch.
- OpenWithSequenceReplacement
This closes any existing access or
presentation windows and starts a new sequence in another
presentation window. A syntax example is:
OpenWithSequenceReplacement SequenceID 1 PanelId 2
- SequenceID integer
This is a required labeled parameter whose integer
represents the id of the sequence of panels to launch.
- PanelNumber integer
Optionally, include the id of the panel that starts off the sequence:
OpenWithSequenceReplacement SequenceID 1 PanelId 2
- PlaySound
This sends the open Guide file a
PlaySound Apple event and includes the id of the
sound data as a labeled parameter:
tell app "Apple Guide" to PlaySound SoundId 4
- SoundId integer
This is a number representing the id of the sound data in the
database. This labeled parameter is required.
- Quit
This closes any open windows and
terminates the Apple Guide app. Unlike close,
Quit does not leave Apple Guide silently running
in the background, using its megabyte or so of memory.
- QuitFront
This is similar to Quit, but it leaves Apple
Guide running if there is more than one Guide window open. In other
words, QuitFront closes the front Guide window
but leaves the next window intact and does not shut down Apple Guide.
If only one window is open then QuitFront has
the same effect as Quit.