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Chapter 10. Apple Guide and Help Viewer

With Mac OS 8.5 and beyond, Macintosh users have two pieces of system software to rely on for getting help on the Mac OS and programs: the Apple Guide extension and the new browser-based Help Viewer. Apple Guide (see Figure 10-1) is the tool that can be launched from the Help menu command of several programs. It usually provides the most basic software help, allowing the user to search a small help database and spawning little animations that circle and choose menu items for you. Mainly in response to the Web, Apple's system has since moved to a browser-based help system with the Help Viewer system application. Compared with Apple Guide, Help Viewer more closely integrates the operating-system help documents with web protocols and Sherlock 2. (Sherlock 2 is covered in Chapter 17.) You can find the Help Viewer in the following directory if you're running Mac OS 8.5 or later: startup disk:System Folder:Help:Apple Help Viewer:Help Viewer. This chapter describes the Apple Guide's and Help Viewer's dictionaries and gives some examples of how to script your own help systems.

Figure 10-1. An Apple Guide window

The scriptable Apple Guide extension is located in startup disk:System Folder:Extensions. You normally cannot open an application's Apple Guide file from outside the app, unless you are using trusty AppleScript. Example 10-1 opens up the BBEdit Guide file, goes instantly to the Look For help panel, and places the search term "grep" in that panel's search edit field. An AppleScript can be used as a software-testing device for new Mac help systems that use Apple Guide.

Example 10-1. Opening the BBEdit Guide File

(* Apple Guide's 'open' command can take a file specification type for a 

parameter *)

set filespec to¬

   "macintosh hd:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit 5.0:BBEdit Guide" as file specification

tell application "Apple Guide"

   (* Use the 'string' labeled parameter and the 'ViewNumber' parameter 

   that takes an integer type *)

   open database filespec string "grep" ViewNumber 4

end tell
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