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Apple Verifier

Apple Verifier is a program that verifies whether or not the files you open with it have been digitally signed. In Mac OS 9, you can find it in the startup disk:Applications:Security folder. Apple Code Signing is a security measure that gives the recipient of your code a way to verify if the code came from a certain software developer. Apple Code Signer (used to apply digital certificates to programs) is another security program that is only distributed with the Apple Security Software Development Kit (see the note earlier in this chapter for how to download this kit).


tell app "Apple Verifier"

   open alias_to_signedFile

end tell

Dictionary commands

open alias or list of aliases

Apple Verifier has two commands, open and verify. Both commands apparently attempt to verify any digital signatures applied to the file, since the open command can result in the dialog window of Figure 12-2. The parameter for the open command is an alias or a list of aliases:

open alias "A2gig:fm db:"

Figure 12-2. Apple Verifier open command can display this result
verify alias or list of aliases

The verify command could be used to verify the digital signatures of a folder full of files by using a list of aliases with verify, as in this example:

set folPath to ((path to desktop as text) & "today") (* get path to folder 

of files to verify *)

set folList to (list folder folPath) (* get the contents of that folder into a 

list type *)

tell application "Apple Verifier"


   repeat with f in folList

      verify (alias (folPath &  ":" & f))

   end repeat

end tell
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