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Make files, Kylix, 286–287
Make utility, 63
Man pages, 39
MandrakeSoft, vendor role, 4–5
Marshalling data, 377–378
Master controller, 15
MDI (multiple document interface) application, 273, 355–369
C++ pointers and dynamic memory management, 200–209
client dataset and in-memory table, 347–352
global space, 200–201, 203
Java management, 236
for object creation, 203
RAM, 200
use and kernel, 26
virtual and shared, 26
Menus, Kylix, 274–275
Java, 441–452
message-driven beans, 501, 516–517
message-oriented middleware (MOM), 442–443
message queues, 442, 444–446
Metacharacters and pattern matching, 95–96
Mkfs command, 52
/mnt subdirectories, 55
Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, 485
Modprobe command, 31
Modules, kernel, 26, 29–31
Monitoring running processes, 42–43
Motherboard, 15
Mounted file systems, 52, 55–57
Mozilla browser, 37
Multiprocess and multi-threaded applications, Java-based, 369–375

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