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/var directory, 54–55
Variables, scope of, 463–466
Variant data types in Delphi, 170–173
vi editor
closing and saving/discarding changes, 72–73
colon (:), command prompt, 71
command modes, 71–72
CTRL key and edit commands, 75
default configuration, 81
edit commands, 75
ESC key and mode switching, 73
exclamation character (!), discarding changes, 72–73
insert mode and editing files, 71, 73–75
insert mode commands, 73–74
invoking the editor, 771
miscellaneous commands, 79–82
navigation commands, 75–78
search and pattern matching commands, 78–79
set command, 81
view command, 81–82
View modes, file manager, 33–35
vim editor, 81–82
Virtual class method, 182–184
Virtual methods and polymorphism, C++, 209–211
Visibroker (Borland)
Borland Enterprise Server (BES) edition, 422
building customer name application, 428–440
Visibroker (cont.)
CORBA configuration, 422–428
VisualCLX components, 297

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