10.1. StructuresA structure type is a type defined within the program that specifies the format of a record, including the names and types of its members, and the order in which they are stored. Once you have defined a structure type, you can use it like any other type in declaring objects, pointers to those objects, and arrays of such structure elements. 10.1.1. Defining Structure TypesThe definition of a structure type begins with the keyword struct, and contains a list of declarations of the structure's members, in braces: struct [tag_name] { member_declaration_list }; A structure must contain at least one member. The following example defines the type struct Date, which has three members of type short: struct Date { short year, month, day; }; The identifier Date is this structure type's tag. The identifiers year, month, and day are the names of its members. The tags of structure types are a distinct name space: the compiler distinguishes them from variables or functions whose names are the same as a structure tag. Likewise, the names of structure members form a separate name space for each structure type. In this book, we have generally capitalized the first letter in the names of structure, union, and enumeration types: this is merely a common convention to help programmers distinguish such names from those of variables. The members of a structure may have any desired complete type, including previously defined structure types. They must not be variable-length arrays, or pointers to such arrays. The following structure type, struct Song, has five members to store five pieces of information about a music recording. The member published has the type struct Date, defined in the previous example: struct Song { char title[64]; char artist[32]; char composer[32]; short duration; // Playing time in seconds. struct Date published; // Date of publication. }; A structure type cannot contain itself as a member, as its definition is not complete until the closing brace (}). However, structure types can and often do contain pointers to their own type. Such self-referential structures are used in implementing linked lists and binary trees, for example. The following example defines a type for the members of a singly linked list: struct Cell { struct Song song; // This record's data. struct Cell *pNext; // A pointer to the next record. }; If you use a structure type in several source files, you should place its definition in an included header file. Typically, the same header file will contain the prototypes of the functions that operate on structures of that type. Then you can use the structure type and the corresponding functions in any source file that includes the given header file. 10.1.2. Structure Objects and typedef NamesWithin the scope of a structure type definition, you can declare objects of that type: struct Song song1, song2, *pSong = &song1; This example defines song1 and song2 as objects of type struct Song, and pSong as a pointer that points to the object song1. The keyword struct must be included whenever you use the structure type. You can also use typedef to define a one-word name for a structure type: typedef struct Song Song_t; // Song_t is now a synonym for // struct Song. Song_t song1, song2, *pSong = &song1; // Two struct Song objects and a // struct Song pointer. Objects with a structure type, such as song1 and song2 in our example, are called structure objects (or structure variables) for short. You can also define a structure type without a tag. This approach is practical only if you define objects at the same time, and don't need the type for anything else, or if you define the structure type in a typedef declaration, so that it has a name after all. An example: typedef struct { struct Cell *pFirst, *pLast; } SongList_t; This typedef declaration defines SongList_t as a name for the structure type whose members are two pointers to struct Cell named pFirst and pLast. 10.1.3. Incomplete Structure TypesYou can define pointers to a structure type even when the structure type has not yet been defined. Thus the definition of SongList_t in the previous example would be permissible and correct even if struct Cell had not yet been defined. In such a case, the definition of SongList_t would implicitly declare the name Cell as a structure tag. However, the type struct Cell would remain incomplete until explicitly defined. The pointers pFirst and pLast, whose type is struct Cell *, cannot be used to access objects until the type struct Cell is completely defined, with declarations of its structure members between braces. The ability to declare pointers to incomplete structure types allows you to define structure types that refer to each other. Here is a simple example: struct A { struct B *pB; /* ... other members of struct A ... */ }; struct B { struct A *pA; /* ... other members of struct B ... */ }; These declarations are correct and behave as expected, except in the following case: if they occur within a block, and the structure type struct B has already been defined in a larger scope, then the declaration of the member pB in structure A declares a pointer to the type already defined, and not to the type struct B defined after struct A. To preclude this interference from the outer scope, you can insert an "empty" declaration of struct B before the definition of struct A: struct B; struct A { struct B *pB; /* ... */ }; struct B { struct A *pA; /* ... */ }; This example declares B as a new structure tag that hides an existing structure tag from the larger scope, if there is one. 10.1.4. Accessing Structure MembersTwo operators allow you to access the members of a structure object: the dot operator (.) and the arrow operator (->). Both of them are binary operators whose right operand is the name of a member. The left operand of the dot operator is an expression that yields a structure object. Here are a few examples using the structure struct Song: #include <string.h> // Prototypes of string functions. Song_t song1, song2, // Two objects of type Song_t, *pSong = &song1; // and a pointer to Song_t. // Copy a string to the title of song1: strcpy( song1.title, "Havana Club" ); // Likewise for the composer member: strcpy( song1.composer, "Ottmar Liebert" ); song1.duration = 251; // Playing time. // The member published is itself a structure: song1.published.year = 1998; // Year of publication. if ( (*pSong).duration > 180 ) printf( "The song %s is more than 3 minutes long.\n", (*pSong).title ); Because the pointer pSong points to the object song1, the expression *pSong denotes the object song1, and (*pSong).duration denotes the member duration in song1. The parentheses are necessary because the dot operator has a higher precedence than the indirection operator (see Table 5-4). If you have a pointer to a structure, you can use the arrow operator -> to access the structure's members instead of the indirection and dot operators (* and .). In other words, an expression of the form p->m is equivalent to (*p).m. Thus we might rewrite the if statement in the previous example using the arrow operator as follows: if ( pSong->duration > 180 ) printf( "The song %s is more than 3 minutes long.\n", pSong->title ); You can use an assignment to copy the entire contents of a structure object to another object of the same type: song2 = song1; After this assignment, each member of song2 has the same value as the corresponding member of song1. Similarly, if a function parameter has a structure type, then the contents of the corresponding argument are copied to the parameter when you call the function. This approach can be rather inefficient unless the structure is small, as in Example 10-1. Example 10-1. The function dateAsString( )// The function dateAsString( ) converts a date from a structure of type // struct Date into a string of the form mm/dd/yyyy. // Argument: A date value of type struct Date. // Return value: A pointer to a static buffer containing the date string. const char *dateAsString( struct Date d ) { static char strDate[12]; sprintf( strDate, "%02d/%02d/%04d", d.month, d.day, d.year ); return strDate; } Larger structures are generally passed by reference. In Example 10-2, the function call copies only the address of a Song object, not the structure's contents. Furthermore, as the function does not modify the structure object, the parameter is a read-only pointer. Thus you can also pass this function a pointer to a constant object. Example 10-2. The function printSong( )// The printSong( ) function prints out the contents of a structure // of type Song_t in a tabular format. // Argument: A pointer to the structure object to be printed. // Return value: None. void printSong( const Song_t *pSong ) { int m = pSong->duration / 60, // Playing time in minutes s = pSong->duration % 60; // and seconds. printf( "------------------------------------------\n" "Title: %s\n" "Artist: %s\n" "Composer: %s\n" "Playing time: %d:%02d\n" "Date: %s\n", pSong->title, pSong->artist, pSong->composer, m, s, dateAsString( pSong->published )); } The song's playing time is printed in the format m:ss. The function dateAsString( ) converts the publication date from a structure to string format. 10.1.5. Initializing StructuresWhen you define structure objects without explicitly initializing them, the usual initialization rules apply: if the structure object has automatic storage class, then its members have indeterminate initial values. If, on the other hand, the structure object has static storage duration, then the initial value of its members is zero, or if they have pointer types, a null pointer (see "Initialization" in Chapter 11). To initialize a structure object explicitly when you define it, you must use an initialization list: this is a comma-separated list of initializers, or initial values for the individual structure members, enclosed in braces. The initializers are associated with the members in the order of their declarations: the first initializer is associated with the first member, the second initializer goes with the second member, and so forth. Of course, each initializer must have a type that matches (or can be implicitly converted into) the type of the corresponding member. An example: Song_t mySong = { "What It Is", "Aubrey Haynie; Mark Knopfler", "Mark Knopfler", 297, { 9, 26, 2000 } }; This list contains an initializer for each member. Because the member published has a structure type, its initializer is another initialization list. You may also specify fewer initializers than the number of members in the structure. In this case, any remaining members are initialized to zero. Song_t yourSong = { "El Macho" }; After this definition, all members of yourSong have the value zero, except for the first member. The char arrays contain empty strings, and the member published contains the invalid date { 0, 0, 0 }. The initializers may be nonconstant expressions if the structure object has automatic storage class. You can also initialize a new, automatic structure variable with a existing object of the same type: Song_t yourSong = mySong; // Valid initialization within a block. 10.1.6. Initializing Specific MembersThe C99 standard allows you to explicitly associate an initializer with a certain member. To do so, you must prefix a member designator with an equal sign to the initializer. The general form of a designator for the structure member member is: .member // Member designator The declaration in the following example initializes a Song_t object using the member designators .title and .composer: Song_t aSong = { .title = "I've Just Seen a Face", .composer = "John Lennon; Paul McCartney", 127 }; The member designator .title is actually superfluous here, because title is the first member of the structure. An initializer with no designator is associated with the first member, if it is the first initializer, or with the member that follows the last member initialized. Thus in the previous example, the value 127 initializes the member duration. All other members of the structure have the initial value 0. 10.1.7. Structure Members in MemoryThe members of a structure object are stored in memory in the order in which they are declared in the structure type's definition. The address of the first member is identical with the address of the structure object itself. The address of each member declared after the first one is greater than those of members declared earlier. Sometimes it is useful to obtain the offset of a member from the beginning address of the structure. This offset, as a number of bytes, is given by the macro offsetof , defined in the header file stddef.h. The macro's arguments are the structure type and the name of the member: offsetof( structure_type, member ) The result has the type size_t. As an example, if pSong is a pointer to a Song_t structure, then we can initialize the pointer ptr with the address of the first character in the member composer: char *ptr = (char *)pSong + offsetof( Song_t, composer ); The compiler may align the members of a structure on certain kinds of addresses, such as 32-bit boundaries, to ensure fast access to the members. This step results in gaps, or unused bytes between the members. The compiler may also pad the structure with extra bytes after the last member. As a result, the size of a structure can be greater than the sum of its members' sizes. You should always use the sizeof operator to obtain a structure's size, and the offsetof macro to obtain the positions of its members. You can control the compiler's alignment of structure members, to avoid gaps between members for example, by means of compiler options, such as the -fpack-struct flag for GCC, or the /Zp1 command-line option or the pragma pack(1) for Visual C/C++. However, you should use these options only if your program places special requirements on the alignment of structure elements. Programs need to determine the sizes of structures when allocating memory for objects, or when writing the contents of structure objects to a binary file. In the following example, fp is the FILE pointer to a file opened for writing binary data: #include <stdio.h> // Prototype of fwrite( ). /* ... */ if ( fwrite( &aSong, sizeof(aSong), 1, fp ) < 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "Error writing \"%s\".\n", aSong.title ); If the function call is successful, fwrite( ) writes a data object of size sizeof(aSong), beginning at the address &aSong, to the file opened with the FILE pointer fp. 10.1.8. Flexible Structure MembersC99 allows the last member of a structure with more than one member to have an incomplete array typethat is, the last member may be declared as an array of unspecified length. Such a structure member is called a flexible array member . In the following example, array is the name of a flexible member: typedef struct { int len; float array[ ]; } DynArray_t; There are only two cases in which the compiler gives special treatment to a flexible member:
Although some implementations of the C standard library are aimed at making programs safer from such array index errors, you should avoid them by careful programming. In all other operations, the flexible member of the structure is ignored, as in this structure assignment, for example: DynArray_t da1; da1 = *daPtr; This assignment copies only the member len of the object addressed by daPtr, not the elements of the object's array member. In fact, the left operand, da1, doesn't even have storage space for the array. But even when the left operand of the assignment has sufficient space available, the flexible member is still ignored. C99 also doesn't allow you to initialize a flexible structure member: DynArray_t da1 = { 100 }, // Okay. da2 = { 3, { 1.0F, 0.5F, 0.25F } }; // Error. Nonetheless, many compilers support language extensions that allow you to initialize a flexible structure member, and generate an object of sufficient size to contain those elements that you initialize explicitly. 10.1.9. Pointers as Structure MembersTo include data items that can vary in size in a structure, it is a good idea to use a pointer rather than including the actual data object in the structure. The pointer then addresses the data in a separate object for which you allocate the necessary storage space dynamically. Moreover, this indirect approach allows a structure to have more than one variable-length "member." Pointers as structure members are also very useful in implementing dynamic data structures. The structure types SongList_t and Cell_t that we defined earlier in this chapter for the head and items of a list are an example: // Structures for a list head and list items: typedef struct { struct Cell *pFirst, *pLast; } SongList_t; typedef struct Cell { struct Song song; // The record data. struct Cell *pNext; // A pointer to the next record. } Cell_t; Figure 10-1 illustrates the structure of a singly linked list made of these structures. Figure 10-1. A singly linked list![]() Special attention is required when manipulating such structures. For example, it generally makes little sense to copy structure objects with pointer members, or to save them in files. Usually the data referenced needs to be copied or saved, and the pointer to it does not. For example, if you want to initialize a new list, named yourList, with the existing list myList, you probably don't want to do this: SongList_t yourList = myList; Such an initialization simply makes a copy of the pointers in myList without creating any new objects for yourList. To copy the list itself, you have to duplicate each object in it. The function cloneSongList( ), defined in Example 10-3, does just that: SongList_t yourList = cloneSongList( &myList ); The function cloneSongList( ) creates a new object for each item linked to myList, copies the item's contents to the new object, and links the new object to the new list. cloneSongList( ) calls appendSong( ) to do the actual creating and linking. If an error occurs, such as insufficient memory to duplicate all the list items, then cloneSongList( ) releases the memory allocated up to that point, and returns an empty list. The function clearSongList( ) destroys all the items in a list. Example 10-3. The functions cloneSongList( ), appendSong( ), and clearSongList( )// The function cloneSongList( ) duplicates a linked list. // Argument: A pointer to the list head of the list to be cloned. // Return value: The new list. If insufficient memory is available to // duplicate the entire list, the new list is empty. #include "songs.h" // Contains type definitions (Song_t, etc.) and // function prototypes for song-list operations. SongList_t cloneSongList( const SongList_t *pList ) { SongList_t newSL = { NULL, NULL }; // A new, empty list. Cell_t *pCell = pList->pFirst; // Cloning starts with the first list item. while ( pCell != NULL && appendSong( &newSL, &pCell->song )) pCell = pCell->pNext; if ( pCell != NULL ) // If we didn't finish the last item, clearSongList( &newSL ); // discard any items cloned. return newSL; // In either case, return the list head. } // The function appendSong( ) dynamically allocates a new list item, // copies the given song data to the new object, and appends it to the list. // Arguments: A pointer to a Song_t object to be copied, and a pointer to a // list to add the copy to. // Return value: True if successful, otherwise false. bool appendSong( SongList_t *pList, const Song_t *pSong ) { Cell_t *pCell = calloc( 1, sizeof(Cell_t) ); // Create a new list item. if ( pCell == NULL ) return false; // Failure: no memory. pCell->song = *pSong; // Copy data to the new item. pCell->pNext = NULL; if ( pList->pFirst == NULL ) // If the list is still empty, pList->pFirst = pList->pLast = pCell; // link a first (and last) item. else { // If not, pList->pLast->pNext = pCell; // insert a new last item. pList->pLast = pCell; } return true; // Success. } // The function clearSongList( ) destroys all the items in a list. // Argument: A pointer to the list head. void clearSongList( SongList_t *pList ) { Cell_t *pCell, *pNextCell; for ( pCell = pList->pFirst; pCell != NULL; pCell = pNextCell ) { pNextCell = pCell->pNext; free( pCell ); // Release the memory allocated for each item. } pList->pFirst = pList->pLast = NULL; } Before the function clearSongList( ) frees each item, it has to save the pointer to the item that follows; you can't read a structure object member after the object has been destroyed. The header file songs.h included in Example 10-3 is the place to put all the type definitions and function prototypes needed to implement and use the song list, including declarations of the functions defined in the example itself. The header songs.h must also include the header file stdbool.h, because the appendSong( ) function uses the identifiers bool, true, and false. ![]() |