Converts a date and time structure to string form #include <time.h> char *asctime ( struct tm *systime ); The single argument of the asctime( ) function is a pointer to a structure of type struct tm, in which a date and time is represented by elements for the year, month, day, hour, and so on. The structure is described under mktime( ) in this chapter. The asctime( ) function returns a pointer to a string of 26 bytes containing the date and time in a timestamp format: "Wed Apr 13 07:23:20 2005\n" The day of the week and the month are abbreviated with the first three letters of their English names, with no period. If the day of the month is a single digit, an additional space fills the place of its tens digit. If the hour is less than ten, it is represented with a leading zero. Exampletime_t now; time( &now ); /* Get the time (seconds since 1/1/70) */ printf( "Date: %.24s GMT\n", asctime( gmtime( &now ) )); Typical output: Date: Sun Aug 28 14:22:05 2005 GMT See Alsolocaltime( ), gmtime( ), ctime( ), difftime( ), mktime( ), strftime( ), time( ). The localtime( ) and gmtime( ) functions are the most common ways of filling in the values in the tm structure. The function call ctime(&seconds) is equivalent to the call asctime(localtime(&seconds)) |