Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple standardized system that
gives designers extensive control over the presentation of their web
pages. CSS is an essential component of web design today. Compared to
90's-era workarounds, web builders have greater
control over a web site's design and spend less time
editing and maintaining that design. CSS also extends beyond the
traditional web design to design and control the look of a web page
when it's printed.
This book is a collection of CSS-based solutions to common web design
problems. The solutions range from the simple to the complex, but
hopefully everyone will learn something from this book.
CSS is easy to use: it doesn't demand any special
hardware or software. The basic requirements are a computer, a modern
browser like Mozilla or Internet Explorer for Windows (to name a
few), and your favorite web page editor. A web page editor could be
anything from a simple text editor like Window's
Notepad or Macintosh's SimpleText to a full-fledged
WYSIWYG tool like Macromedia Dreamweaver in code view.