A.2. ResourcesThe following is a short list of Web links for Eclipse-related plug-ins, projects, and information. First, there is the Eclipse.org Web site, which should always be your first stop for Eclipse-related information. Following that are a few of the larger sites providing Eclipse-related information and lists of plug-ins. At the end is a smattering of sites containing plug-ins, projects, notes, and information of varying quality that caught our eye. A.2.1. Eclipse.orgwww.eclipse.org/The place to start concerning Eclipse and Eclipse-related technology for downloads, documentation, articles, mailing lists, and more. The main projects at Eclipse.org are further divided into subprojects:
The Eclipse.org Web site also has a community page (www.eclipse.org/community/index.html) that lists upcoming events, courses, and links to related Web sites containing more information on Eclipse. A.2.2. Eclipse Plug-in Centralwww.eclipseplugincentral.comA site dedicated to supporting the growth of the Eclipse community by helping developers locate, evaluate, and acquire plug-ins that can help them deliver their projects faster, better, and cheaper. Eclipse Plug-in Central (EPiC) adds value by offering marketplace updates, reviews, ratings, news, forums, community listings for products and services, and support for the Eclipse Foundation. A.2.3. Eclipse plug-in sitewww.eclipse-plugins.info/A site containing lists of plug-ins sliced and diced by category and hit count (a very rough popularity statistic). Each plug-in has a short description, a place for anyone to comment, statistics, and a link to the plug-in's home page. A.2.4. Eclipse wiki wikieclipse-wiki.infoA wiki wiki site containing information about Eclipse gleaned from newsgroups, mailing lists, and the like. The availability of this site has been unpredictable, but when available, it contains a wealth of information. A.2.5. EclipseConwww.eclipsecon.orgThe Web site for information about the EclipseCon technical conference. A.2.6. ANTLR plug-in for Eclipseantlreclipse.sourceforge.netA plug-in providing support for the parser generator ANTLR, including an editor and builder. A.2.7. Bugzilla plug-inkered.org/project-eclipse_bugzilla_pluginProof of concept for integrating Bugzilla into Eclipse. Looks promising, but we have not tried it. A.2.8. Coloring editorwww.gstaff.org/coloreditor/A free syntax color highlighting editor for Eclipse that uses JEdit's syntax highlighting mode files. There are several other projects and plug-ins on this site, including cSpy and a widget/plug-in inspector. A.2.9. Eclipse Easter eggsmmoebius.gmxhome.de/eclipse/eastereggs.htmA list of links and resources for Eclipse, plus a page of Eclipse Easter eggs for fun. A.2.10. IBM Alphaworks on Eclipsewww.alphaworks.ibm.com/eclipseA site filled with Eclipse-related technology and articles from the IBM Alphaworks labs. A.2.11. IBM Eclipse researchwww.research.ibm.com/eclipse/A source of information regarding IBM grants and programs centered on Eclipse-based technology. A.2.12. PHP plug-in for Eclipsesourceforge.net/projects/phpeclipseAn open source plug-in providing support for PHP, structured query language (SQL), HTML, and Jtidy. It includes syntax highlighting, command completion, and a preview of pages. A.2.13. QNX's Momenticswww.qnx.com/products/ps_momentics/An IDE build on Eclipse for writing code around a real-time OS. A.2.14. QuickShare: XP programming for Eclipsewww.scs.carleton.ca/~skaegi/cdt/A lightweight code sharing plug-in for XP-like pair programming in a distributed environment. A.2.15. Sangam: XP programming for Eclipsesangam.sourceforge.net/Another code sharing plug-in for XP-like pair programming in a distributed environment. |