Hack 32. Work with Filtering Systems
Keep your web experience neat and tidy by integrating properly with other Net watchers. Security programs can interpose themselves between Firefox and the network; this is especially common in organizational environments. There are few such tools on Linux/Unixwhere tools do exist, they are generally called firewalls or daemonsbut they are common on Windows. This hack reports briefly on what works and what doesn't. In general, Firefox works with such tools well. There are many reports in the Mozilla community [Hack #97] about particular tools' successes or failure, but here's a summary: best practice requires that you have the latest minor version of your filtering tool installed if you want to interoperate with Firefox successfully. You'll find a list of common filtering tools at http://yaggy.web1000.com/webads.htm. Here are some brief comments about such tools:
In addition to these tools, Firefox proxies [Hack #15] can be used to redirect web requests to filtering proxy servers as required. ![]() |