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What's Not Permitted on Google Base

Google doesn't let you post just anything on Google Base; there are certain types of information and items that are prohibited. Most of this is common sense, but here's a short list of what you can't promote on Google Base:

  • Affiliate sites or products sold through an affiliate marketing relationship

  • Body parts or human remains

  • Bulk marketing products, such as email lists and bulk email software

  • Cable and satellite descramblers and black boxes

  • Child pornography

  • Copyright unlocking devices and mod chips

  • Counterfeit and unauthorized goods

  • Dialers

  • Discounted currencies or currency exchanges

  • Drug test circumvention aids

  • Duplicate posted content or mirrored sites or products

  • Fake government IDs and documents

  • Fireworks

  • Goods or services that are illegal in your country

  • Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia

  • Illegal knives and weapons

  • Information on how to create explosive devices

  • Items and websites that promote violence or advocate violence against a protected group

  • Manuals, how-to-guides, or other information that enable illegal access to software, servers, or websitesin other words, hacking and cracking materials

  • Multilevel marketing or pyramid schemes

  • Nonconsensual adult material

  • Online casinos, sports books, or bingo games

  • Prescription drugs (without valid SquareTrade certification, which is available to legitimate pharmacies in the U.S. and Canada)

  • Prostitution services

  • Rare, scarce, or valuable metals

  • Toxic, explosive, flammable, or radioactive materials and substances

  • Unauthorized copies of copyrighted media and software

  • Unsubstantiated health cures or remedies

You also can't post on behalf of Google (unless you actually work for Google, that is), or otherwise pass yourself off as a Google employee. Google also prohibits "keyword stuffing," where you include excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in your listing.

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