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To my mind, one of the most practical uses of Google map mashups is to find and display available housing on a map-based interface. When you're in the market for a new home or apartmentor want to find out the going price of houses in a given locationcheck out these useful mashups:

  • Trulia ( Search for real estate across the U.S.

  • HousingMaps ( Homes for sale or rent, by city and price range, using data from Craigslist, as shown in Figure 19.7

    Figure 19.7. Browsing homes for sale in Denver via HousingMaps.

  • Real Estate Advisor ( Homes for sale across the U.S.

  • ( Maps top eBay real estate auctions

  • Apartment Ratings ( Maps a database of apartment ratings and reviews

  • ( Find the value of any home in the U.S. via a map-based interface

  • ( Maps current home prices across the U.S.

  • WikiBroker Real Estate Maps ( Maps the dollar values of sold houses by city, state, neighborhood, street, or address; currently live for California, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Texas only

  • Homes Sold ( Displays which homes have sold in a specific neighborhood; currently in beta testing for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, with intentions to expand across the country

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