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Filtering Out Dirty Pictures

One of the bad things about searching the Web for pictures is that, depending on your query, you're likely to stumble across a few adult-oriented pictures in your search results. Assuming that you don't want (or don't want your kids) to see these dirty pictures, Google enables its moderate SafeSearch content filter by default when you use Google Image Search. (Moderate SafeSearch filtering blocks the display of questionable images only, not text.)

If you'd prefer to view your search results unfiltered, you have two options:

  • From any search results page, click the Moderate SafeSearch Is On link. This takes you to the Preferences page, shown in Figure 24.5; check the Do Not Filter My Search Results option, and then click the Save Preferences button.

    Figure 24.5. Turning off SafeSearch filtering on the Preferences page.

  • From the main Google Image Search page, click the Preferences link. When the Preferences page appears, check the Do Not Filter My Search Results option, and then click the Save Preferences button.

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