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Searching the Corporate Network with the Google Toolbar for Enterprise

We'll start by taking a quick look at Google Toolbar for Enterprise. This is pretty much the same Google Toolbar available for standalone PCs, but with several additional features designed specifically for network administration and use.

The enterprise-specific features include

  • A Windows-based Installer package that lets administrators install and configure the Toolbar for employees across a corporate network

  • Standards-based administration lets administrators manage all user preferences using Microsoft Group Policy settings

  • Integration with the Google Search Appliance and Google Mini lets users search across a corporate network

  • Ability to create customized search buttons to let users directly search specific sites (including the company's public website or subscription research sites)

  • Whitelist so administrators can designate which sites allow pop-up windows


Learn more about the Google Toolbar in Chapter 31, "Using the Google Toolbar."

Like the regular Google Toolbar, the Google Toolbar for Enterprise can be downloaded for free. See for more information.

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