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This book is about understanding computer security through experiment. Before now, you probably thought that if your computer was compromised, it was the end of the world. But we are going to show you how to look at the bright side of break-ins and teach you to appreciate the insights to be gained from botnets, worms, and malware. In every incident there is a lesson to be learned. Once you know about the many different kinds of honeypots, you can turn the tables on Internet-born attackers. This book discusses a vast range of deployment scenarios for honeypots, ranging from tracking botnets to capturing malware. We also encourage you to take the perspective of adversaries by analyzing how attackers might go about detecting your countermeasures. But first let us set the context appropriately.

Computer networks connect hundreds of thousands of computer systems across the world. We know the sum of all these networks as the Internet. Originally designed for research and military use, the Internet became enormously popular after Tim Berners-Lee invented the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) in 1990 and created the World Wide Web as we know it. As more of us started using the Net, almost all of our social problems transferred into the electronic realm as well. For example, it was human curiosity that created the first Internet worm.[1] Scanning networks for the number of installed computers or their respective configuration is another sign of our curiosity. In fact, receiving a constant stream of network probes is nowadays considered normal and expected. Unfortunately, many of these activities are no longer benign. Darker elements of society have figured out that the Internet provides new opportunities to turn a quick profit. Underground activities range from sending millions of spam e-mails, identity theft, and credit card fraud to extortion via distributed denial of service attacks.

[1] Technically, the first network worm was created in 1982 by Shoch and Hupp of Xerox's PARC, who developed worms such as the Vampire worm, which would seek out underutilized computers and have them solve complex computing tasks [81]. However, in most minds, Internet worms started with Morris, who, among many other contributions, also invented the buffer overflow.

As the Internet becomes increasingly popular, its security is also more important for keeping our electronic world healthy and functioning. Yet, despite decades of research and experience, we are still unable to make secure computer systems or even measure their security. Exploitation of newly discovered vulnerabilities often catches us by surprise. Exploit automation and massively global scanning for vulnerabilities make it easy for adversaries to compromise computer systems as soon as they can locate its weaknesses [91].

To learn which vulnerabilities are being used by adversaries (and they might even be some of which we are unaware), we could install a computer systems on a network and then observe what happens to it. If the system serves no other purpose, then every attempt to contact it seems suspect. If the system is attacked, we have learned something new. We call such a system a honeypot. Its compromise allows us to study which vulnerability was used to break into it or what an adversary does once he gained complete control over it. A honeypot can be any kind of computing system. It may run any operating system and any number of services. The services we configure determine the attack vectors open to an adversary.

In this book, we often talk about nefarious computer users who want to break into our honeypots. Many readers might expect that we would call these computer users hackers, a term adapted and distorted beyond recognition by the press. However, the authors prefer the traditional definition of the word: A hacker is a person who finds clever technical solutions to problems. Although there is no shortage of good hackers out there, the supply of people who attempt and succeed to break into computer systems is much larger. We refer to them as attackers or adversaries.

So far, we have claimed that honeypots allow us to study adversaries and gain insight into their motivations and techniques, but now we will prove it to you with a real case study.

A Real Case

This case tells the story of an actual compromise and what we learned from the adversaries. Our honeypot was closely monitored, and we could observe every single step the adversary took on our system. This incident started on April 3, when our Red Hat 8.0-based honeypot was compromised due to weak SSH passwords. The adversary got access to both a user and the root account. She probably considered herself very lucky to have gained access to a high-speed university network. What she did not know was that we had intentionally installed guessable passwords. (Evil grin.) Actually, this kind of attack is quite common. If you run an SSH server yourself, just take a look at its log files.

Using our log files and other information gathered on the honeypot, it was easy to reconstruct the series of events that took place. As in many movies, the attack took place in the middle of the night. Originating from a university host in Norway, the adversary initiated an attack against the honeypot's SSH server shortly after midnight. Her automatic tools cycled through many thousand different user names and passwords before she got lucky and guessed the root password. With complete and unlimited access to our system, the adversary, arriving from an Italian IP address this time, downloaded several tools from different web servers to facilitate her malicious actions. Among these tools was an SSH scanner, an IRC client, and a root kit. Not surprisingly, our adversary used the SSH scanner to find more Internet systems with weak passwords. In addition to the root kit, a back door was installed to allow the adversary to come back at any time without anyone noticing. When the adversary was downloading the movie Get Rich Or Die Tryin' (Spanish), we decided that things had gone on long enough, and we shut down the honeypot.

Attack Timeline

Our in-depth investigation produced the following timeline of events:

Once the incident was over, we had plenty of time to analyze what really happened. We saved copies of all tools involved and were able to determine their purpose in detail. For example, the installed root kit was called SucKIT and has been described in detail in Phrack, issue 58 [78]. SucKIT is installed by modifying kernel memory directly via /dev/kmem and does not require any support for loadable kernel modules. Among other things, SucKIT provides a password-protected remote access shell capable of bypassing firewall rules. It supports process, file, and connection hiding, and survives across reboots as well.

There is much more to be learned, and we have dedicated an entire chapter to case studies like this.

Target Audience

We wrote this book to appeal to a broad spectrum of readers. For the less experienced who are seeking an introduction to the world of honeypots, this book provides sufficient background and examples to set up and deploy honeypots even if you have never done so before. For the experienced reader, this book functions as a reference but should still reveal new aspects of honeypots and their deployment. Besides providing solid foundations for a wide range of honeypot technologies, we are looking at the future of honeypots and hope to stimulate you with new ideas that will still be useful years from now.

Road Map to the Book

Although you are more than welcome to read the chapters in almost any order, here is a chapter overview and some suggestions about the order that you may find helpful.

If you are unfamiliar with honeypots and want to learn the basics before delving into more complex topics, we strongly encourage you to start with Chapters 13. These chapters will help you get an understanding of what the methodology is about and what results you can expect from deploying honeypots.

Once you know the basics, you can dive right into the more advanced topics of Honeyd in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 6 discusses capturing autonomously spreading malware like worms and bots. Closely related to Chapter 6 are Chapter 11 on botnets and Chapter 12 on malware analysis. But you can also learn more about hybrid approaches in Chapter 7 and the new concept of client-side honeypots in Chapter 8. Chapters 9 and 10 are also rather independent: The former introduces several ways to detect the presence of honeypots, a risk you should always have in mind. The latter presents several case studies that show you which kind of information you can learn with honeypots based on real-world examples.

Although the chapters are organized to build on each other and can be read in their original order, most chapters can be understood by themselves once you are familiar with the basics concepts. If any chapter looks particularly interesting to you, don't hesitate to skip forward and read it.


When reading this book, familiarity with the basic concepts of network security will prove helpful. We expect you to be familiar with the terms firewall and intrusion detection system (IDS), but it is not necessary for you to have extensive knowledge in any of these areas. Our first chapter lays the basic background for most of what is required to understand the rest of the book. We also make extensive use of references for anyone who would like to get more details on topics we discuss.

Since many honeypot solutions are designed to run on Linux or BSD variants, it is helpful to have some basic understanding of these operating systems. However, even if you are an avid Windows user, you can install a virtual machine to experiment with these operating systems. Doing so by itself teaches many of the principles that underly honeypot technologies. That way, you can better understand the tools we introduce and also experiment with them yourself. We often give step-by-step guidance on how to install and configure a specific solution and point you to further references. So even with only some background, you should be able to learn more about the fascinating topic of virtual honeypots.

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