This class is a subclass of
OutputStream in which output data is stored in an
internal byte
array. The internal array grows as
necessary and can be retrieved with toByteArray(
or toString( ). The
reset( ) method discards any data currently stored
in the internal array and stores data from the beginning again. See
also CharArrayWriter.

public class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream {
// Public Constructors
public ByteArrayOutputStream( );
public ByteArrayOutputStream(int size);
// Public Instance Methods
public void reset( ); synchronized
public int size( );
public byte[ ] toByteArray( ); synchronized
1.1 public String toString(String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException;
public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException; synchronized
// Public Methods Overriding OutputStream
1.2 public void close( ) throws IOException; empty
public void write(int b); synchronized
public void write(byte[ ] b, int off, int len); synchronized
// Public Methods Overriding Object
public String toString( );
// Protected Instance Fields
protected byte[ ] buf;
protected int count;
// Deprecated Public Methods
# public String toString(int hibyte);