Chapter 5. Frames, Frames, and More Frames
Frames are a useful feature of HTML, though they have fallen somewhat out of favor over the past few years. In this chapter, we'll demonstrate how to harness the power of JavaScript to make frames even more useful.
A frame consists of at least three pages of HTML. The first, called the frameset, sets up the dimensions of each of the child frames. The frameset is referred to in JavaScript as top or parent. The remainder of the pages fit into the panes that the frameset has created and are the child pages. These can be named anything you choose. Figure 5.1 shows a frameset that creates two child frames, "left" and "content".
Table 5.1. Just Enough HTMLFramesTag | Attribute | Meaning |
frameset | | Specifies that the page consists of two or more framed pages; contains the frame tags that specify the particular pages. | | cols | The column dimensions (proportional or fixed), in pixels, of each frame. | frame | | The location and attributes of each framed page. | | id | Used by JavaScript to refer to one of the pages in the frameset. | | name | An alternate method by which JavaScript can refer to one of the pages in the frameset. | | src | The physical location (i.e., the URL) of the page loaded into the frame. | iframe | | An internal frame, displayed inside the calling HTML page. | | id | JavaScript uses this to refer to the iframe. | | name | JavaScript can alternately use this to refer to the iframe. | | src | The URL of the iframe page. | | width | The width (in pixels or percent) of the iframe. | | height | The height (in pixels or percent) of the iframe. | | align | Aligns the iframe right or left. | | frameborder | Displays a border around the iframe. |