As a good Web designer, the first thing with which you've asked the Center Park administrators to provide you is a list of required functionality, deadlines, and budget. They have produced the list of required functionality; it is now your job to design the site, via JavaScript, with the functionality they require.
Here is the list:
Dynamic calendars. Students have asked to be able to view their homework assignments "at a glance," and to be able to do so in weekly and monthly increments; moreover, important dates for the operation of the school year (start/ending dates, vacations, meetings, etc.) need to be communicated via the site. The site will require several dynamic calendars so that users of the site can locate the information when they want and in the fashion (weekly, monthly) they want.
A test and survey feature. Administrators of the school recently visited a sister school in another district and were impressed to see that school performing online testing. This feature has proven very useful as a method of assessment for advancedstanding students in continuing education, as well as (through some fairly simple modification of the code) a means of gathering information via online surveys. The Center Park administrators would like such a feature for their Web site.
An online store. As with all things involving education, fund-raising is critical to ensuring that the important programs and initiatives of the school continue despite the omnipresent red pen of the local, state, and federal legislature. Center Park administrators have requested that the site feature some type of online store, at which orders for various fund-raising items can be placed at any time of day or night. To help further facilitate this online store, the administrators have also requested that basic financial calculators be included on the site so that visitors and members can perform quick price calculations.
Secure, members-only access. Many of the features of the site, while open to the general public (e.g. the online store), will require secure access for current students and faculty only. In order to ensure that the information deemed confidential can remain as such, you will need to utilize some of the security features of JavaScript coding.
Rotating banner advertisements. Not surprisingly, several organizations within the school (e.g. the sports teams, the band, and various student clubs) have asked for advertising space on the site so that visitors can be aware of their activities. Several of the rotating-banner ads will provide links to specific sections of the site, so being able to hyperlink within the ads will be a critical.
Bold, attractive appearance. Finally, all of the above-mentioned functionality, as well as the general look and feel of the site, must be as eye-pleasing as possible. To that end, the site will also include various dynamic HTML (DHTML) effects, including highlighted navigation buttons on the home page. Figure 14.1 shows an example of such an effect in action.
Figure 14.1: Highlighted navigation buttons on the home page draw attention to major site functionality.
As you can see from this list, the finished site will include some fairly advanced JavaScript functionality. However, while the functionality will be quite advanced, it can be implemented relatively easily through the power of JavaScript and what it brings to otherwise static and unexciting Web pages.