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Recipe 19.10 Blocking IP Addresses with a FilterProblemYou want to use a filter that checks the IP address associated with the request. SolutionUse a filter that calls the HttpServletRequest 's getRemoteAddr( ) method inside the doFilter( ) method and blocks the request by not calling chain.doFilter( ). DiscussionA typical use of a filter in a web application is to check the request to make sure it's acceptable. Let's say your security division has discovered that a certain range of IP addresses represent nasty clients—you want to rebuff those folks with a "403 Forbidden" HTTP response. Example 19-16 blocks any client IP address beginning with "192.168." Example 19-16. A filter for blocking a certain range of IP addressespackage com.jspservletcookbook; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class IPFilter implements Filter { private FilterConfig config; public final static String IP_RANGE = "192.168"; public IPFilter( ) {} public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { this.config = filterConfig; } public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String ip = request.getRemoteAddr( ); HttpServletResponse httpResp = null; if (response instanceof HttpServletResponse) httpResp = (HttpServletResponse) response; //Break up the IP address into chunks representing each byte StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer(ip,"."); int dots = 0; String byte1 = ""; String byte2 = ""; String client = ""; // while (toke.hasMoreTokens( )){ ++dots; //This token is the first number series or byte if (dots == 1){ byte1 = toke.nextToken( ); } else { //This token is the second number series or byte byte2 = toke.nextToken( ); break;//only interested in first two bytes } }//while //Piece together half of the client IP address so it can be // compared with the forbidden range represented by //IPFilter.IP_RANGE client = byte1+"."+byte2; //if the client IP fits the forbidden range... if (IP_RANGE.equals(client)){ httpResp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "That means goodbye forever!" ); } else { //Client is okay; send them on their merry way chain.doFilter(request,response); } }// doFilter public void destroy( ){ /*called before the Filter instance is removed from service by the web container*/ } } The filter obtains the client's IP address with the ServletRequest's getRemoteAddr( ) method. The filter than parses the return value to determine if the IP address falls into the "192.168" range. If the IP address does fall into this range, then the code calls the HttpServletResponse sendError( ) method with the " 403 Forbidden" type HTTP status code, as in: httpResp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "That means goodbye forever!" ); This method call effectively short circuits the request by preventing the user from reaching their original destination. If the IP address is acceptable, the code calls chain.doFilter( ), which passes the request and response objects along the filter chain. In this case, the application does not map any other filters to thanks.jsp, so the web container invokes that JSP page. Example 19-17 shows the mapping for this filter in web.xml. The filter is mapped to all requests with the URL mapping "/*." Example 19-17. The mapping of the IP-blocking filter<filter>
Figure 19-4 shows the page the web browser will display if the client IP address is blocked. Figure 19-4. A filtered out IP address receives an HTTP Status 403 message![]() See AlsoChapter 9 on handling errors in web applications; Recipe 19.8 on using filters with RequestDispatchers; Recipe 18.3 on using a filter to alter then forward the request; Recipe 19.1-Recipe 19.4 on mapping filters to web components; Recipe 19.5 on configuring init parameters for a filter; Recipe 19.7 on filtering the HTTP response; Recipe 19.9 on checking form parameters with a filter. |
[ Team LiB ] |
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