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Recipe 23.14 Using the EL to Access JavaBean PropertiesProblemYou want to use the EL to access the properties of a JavaBean in a JSP. SolutionUse the jsp:useBean standard action to create or access an instance of the bean, then use the EL to access the bean properties. DiscussionYou can use the c:out JSTL core tag and the EL to display the values of JavaBean properties in a JSP. Example 23-15 shows the skeleton of a JavaBean that is designed to handle email. I used this bean in Chapter 20, which contains details about all of its email-sending and -accessing methods. Example 23-15. A JavaBean that a JSP will instantiate and accesspackage com.jspservletcookbook; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class EmailBean { //defaults private final static String DEFAULT_SERVER = "smtp.comcast.net"; private final static String DEFAULT_TO = "author@jspservletcookbook.com"; private final static String DEFAULT_FROM = "author@jspservletcookbook.com"; private final static String DEFAULT_CONTENT = "Unknown content"; private final static String DEFAULT_SUBJECT= "Unknown subject"; //JavaBean properties private String smtpHost; private String to; private String from; private String content; private String subject; //no-args constructor for the bean public EmailBean( ){} //configure an email message with request params and send the email public void sendMessage(HttpServletRequest request, PrintWriter out) throws IOException { //SEE RECIPE 20.3 AND 20.6 FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS EMAIL BEAN //METHOD }//sendMessage //get email messages using a POP account private void handleMessages(HttpServletRequest request, PrintWriter out) throws IOException, ServletException { //SEE RECIPE 20.3 AND 20.6 FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS EMAIL BEAN //METHOD }//handleMessages //display info about received email messages private void displayMessage(Message msg, PrintWriter out) throws MessagingException, IOException{ //SEE RECIPE 20.3 AND 20.6 FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS EMAIL BEAN }//displayMessage //getter or accessor methods public String getSmtpHost( ){ return (smtpHost == null || smtpHost.equals("")) ? EmailBean.DEFAULT_SERVER : smtpHost; }//getSmtpHost public String getTo( ){ return to; }//getTo public String getFrom( ){ return from; }//getFrom public String getContent( ){ return content; }//getContent public String getSubject( ){ return subject; }//getSubject //setter or mutator methods public void setSmtpHost(String host){ if (check(host)){ this.smtpHost = host; } else { this.smtpHost = EmailBean.DEFAULT_SERVER; } }//setSmtpHost public void setTo(String to){ if (check(to)){ this.to = to; } else { this.to = EmailBean.DEFAULT_TO; } }//setTo public void setFrom(String from){ if (check(from)){ this.from = from; } else { this.from = EmailBean.DEFAULT_FROM; } }//setFrom public void setContent(String content){ if (check(content)){ this.content = content; } else { this.content = EmailBean.DEFAULT_CONTENT; } }//setContent public void setSubject(String subject){ if (check(subject)){ this.subject = subject; } else { this.subject = EmailBean.DEFAULT_SUBJECT; } }//setSubject private boolean check(String value){ if(value == null || value.equals("")) return false; return true; } } Example 23-16 shows the JSP that creates an instance of this bean using the jsp:useBean standard action. The id attribute of jsp:useBean specifies "emailer" as the bean name. This is the name the code uses to access the bean instance's property values using the EL. Example 23-16. Creating a JavaBean and using the JSTL to display its property values<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <jsp:useBean id="emailer" class="com.jspservletcookbook.EmailBean"/> <jsp:setProperty name="emailer" property="*" /> <html> <head><title>Bean property display</title></head> <body> <h2>Here are the EmailBean properties</h2> <strong>SMTP host: </strong> <c:out value="${emailer.smtpHost}" /><br /> <strong>Email recipient: </strong> <c:out value="${emailer.to}" /><br /> <strong>Email sender: </strong> <c:out value="${emailer.from}" /><br /> <strong>Email subject: </strong> <c:out value="${emailer.subject}" /><br /> <strong>Email content: </strong> <c:out value="${emailer.content}" /><br /> </body> </html> When the code uses an expression such as "${emailer.smtpHost}," it calls the getSmtpHost( ) method of the EmailBean (the SMTP server from which you receive email, such as "smtp.comcast.net"). The variable emailer refers to the instance of the EmailBean.
Providing the c:out value attribute with this expression outputs the value of the bean's property. Figure 23-9 shows the JSP of Example 23-16 in a web browser. Figure 23-9. Displaying a JavaBean's properties using JSTL c:out tags![]() See AlsoChapter 20 on using JavaBeans to handle email; the Jakarta Project's Taglibs site: http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/index.html; the Sun Microsystems JSTL information page: http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/; Recipe 23.3 on using the core tags; Recipe 23.4 and Recipe 23.5 on using the XML tags; Recipe 23.6 on using the formatting tags; Recipe 23.7 and Recipe 23.8 on using the SQL JSTL tags; Recipe 23.9-Recipe 23.13 on using the EL to access scoped variables, request parameters, request headers, and cookies. |
[ Team LiB ] |
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