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System Call Handler

It is not possible for user-space applications to execute kernel code directly. They cannot simply make a function call to a method existing in kernel-space because the kernel exists in a protected memory space. If applications could directly read and write to the kernel's address space, system security and stability would go out the window.

Instead, user-space applications must somehow signal the kernel that they want to execute a system call and have the system switch to kernel mode, where the system call can be executed in kernel-space by the kernel on behalf of the application.

The mechanism to signal the kernel is a software interrupt: Incur an exception and then the system will switch to kernel mode and execute the exception handler. The exception handler, in this case, is actually the system call handler. The defined software interrupt on x86 is the int $0x80 instruction. It triggers a switch to kernel mode and the execution of exception vector 128, which is the system call handler. The system call handler is the aptly named function system_call(). It is architecture dependent and typically implemented in assembly in entry.S[6]. Recently, x86 processors added a feature known as sysenter. This feature provides a faster, more specialized way of trapping into a kernel to execute a system call than using the int interrupt instruction. Support for this feature was quickly added to the kernel. Regardless of how the system call handler is invoked, however, the important notion is that somehow user-space causes an exception or trap to enter the kernel.

[6] Much of the following description of the system call handler is based on the x86 version. Do not fret: They are all very similar.

Denoting the Correct System Call

Simply entering kernel-space alone is not sufficient because there are multiple system calls, all of which enter the kernel in the same manner. Thus, the system call number must be passed into the kernel. On x86, the syscall number is fed to the kernel via the eax register. Before causing the trap into the kernel, user-space sticks in eax the number corresponding to the desired system call. The system call handler then reads the value from eax. Other architectures do something similar.

The system_call() function checks the validity of the given system call number by comparing it to NR_syscalls. If it is larger than or equal to NR_syscalls, the function returns -ENOSYS. Otherwise, the specified system call is invoked:

call *sys_call_table(,%eax,4)

Because each element in the system call table is 32 bits (four bytes), the kernel multiplies the given system call number by four to arrive at its location in the system call table. See Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Invoking the system call handler and executing a system call.

Parameter Passing

In addition to the system call number, most syscalls require that one or more parameters be passed to them. Somehow, user-space must relay the parameters to the kernel during the trap. The easiest way to do this is via the same means that the syscall number is passed: The parameters are stored in registers. On x86, the registers ebx, ecx, edx, esi, and edi contain, in order, the first five arguments. In the unlikely case of six or more arguments, a single register is used to hold a pointer to user-space where all the parameters are stored.

The return value is sent to user-space also via register. On x86, it is written into the eax register.

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