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     Delete entries beginning with performance tools for Ch09
     disk or hard disk?
     Earlier refs for vmstat II, average and sample modes were for CPU performance so make that addition
    For Ch10, performance investigation
         applications, INSERT the type of application problem for GIMP
Elapsed time option
     time command
environmental variables tool 2nd
errors option
     strace tool
errors statistic
    ip tool
         network I/O
    ipconfig tool
         network I/O
etherape tool
    network I/O
         example 2nd
         options 2nd 3rd
     source location
Ethernet network I/O
    ethtool performance tool
    ip performance tool
         example 2nd 3rd 4th
         options 2nd 3rd
         statistics 2nd
    ipconfig performance tool
         example 2nd
         link layer 2nd
         physical layer 2nd
    mii-tool performance tool
         example 2nd
         options 2nd
    netstat performance tool
         example 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
    sar performance tool
         example 2nd 3rd
ethtool tool
     source location
ethtool tool tool
    network I/O
etime option
     ps command
Exit status option
     time command

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